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Song 7 - Two feet - I feel like I'm drowning
"Kit slow down." Beam shouted, running after me.

Eventually he and the others caught up with me and they decided to block my way, it looked like some sort of intervention. I tried to walk by them but they just kept getting in my way.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Jin asked.

"Anywhere but here."

"Kit I know you don't like to talk about your feelings or anything personal  but can you please tell us what's going on? I've never seen you pass up the opportunity to drink before."

I sighed loudly.

"It was that guy he was just ugh- getting on my nerves."

"What did he do?" Beam asked.

"He's just annoying, he talks too much and it was like he knew how to push my buttons."

"Do you even know each other?"

"He's friends with Nong Yo."

"P'pha's nong yo."

"Yes and he went to our high school."

"Wait are you talking about Ming?" Forth interrupted. I gave him a glare.

"Yes that's his name."

"I know what Ming's like he has no filter. Don't take any notice to him. He just likes messing with people."

That description did match him perfectly.

"What did he say to you?" Hoseok questioned.

"He said I was beautiful."

"What's wrong with that?" Jin asked.

I didn't know myself but I'm straight so it's weird.

"So many things Jin I don't like boys and I don't like him."

"How do you know?" Beam asked

"How do I know what?"

"That you're straight. You don't know until you try."

I thought about it he was right but I wasn't going to let him think that.

"That's not even funny I like girls I've always liked girls."

"Things change Kit." Hoseok replied.

"Can we just change the subject?"

"Sure." They all said in unison.

"Where's P'pha?"

"Still with Yo I presume."

"He's fallen hard."

"What do you mean fallen? He's still falling." I replied.

They all nodded in agreement.

"So what will it be Kit: home or the bar?"

"I've got some work to do so home."

They all groaned.

"You're such a Doctor."

"Bye assholes." I replied walking towards my car.

I had my hand on the door handle and I was about to unlock my car but I could feel a presence behind me. I turned around slowly.


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