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Song 14 - Msmr - Dark Doo Wop
Kit's POV
"And my jeans?" He questioned.

"Would you have rather slept in your jeans and a dirty top than my clothes?"

You could tell by his face he had gone into deep thought. But why? It was a simple question. Well it was simple for me anyway...

"Okay you win. I'd rather wear your clothes."

"That's what I thought."

"Can I have my clothes back please?"

"If they're dry yes."

"What do you mean if?"

"The washing machine was on all night because I washed my clothes too so I only just managed to hang them all up."

I was totally lying I just wanted him to carry on wearing my clothes. He looked so much better in them than I did. Even if they were a couple of sizes too small.

"Go and check if they're dry then."

I turned to him.

"I don't know if you know this but this is my house. Don't even try and order me around. Everything I have done for you has been voluntary so don't push me over the edge and don't make me kick you out."

He looked down at the floor sadly.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be that harsh but do you want to come and check with me?"

He quickly perked up and nodded rapidly.

We walked over to the window where  sunlight was flooding through intensely. I placed the clothes horse there so the clothes would dry quicker. I had to use them because I didn't own a tumble dryer but it was no problem, I didn't mind hanging them up.

I might have put his clothes on there just before he woke up so they'd still be wet but I wasn't doing anything that bad. Was I?

He searched for his clothes and as soon as he found the clothes he was wearing the night before; He felt them to see if they were dry. As soon as his finger tips touched the wet material he retracted them almost immediately. Signalling to me that my plan had worked.

"They're still wet." He whined loudly like a child.

"It's fine. You can wear something of mine."

"Wouldn't it be easier for me to get something from my apartment?"

"I don't mean to rush you but we have to be at the police station in exactly 15 minutes including the car journey."

"Okay, Okay. Let's go find something else for me to wear."
Exactly seven and a half minutes later

"Hurry up Ming we need to leave."

"Do you want me to go there bare foot?"

"Not particularly but it's better than us being late."

"What's the rush? The police station is literally on campus."

"The other side of campus it's a 5 minute car ride and we've got seven and half minutes left so hurry up."

"That gives us two and a half minutes to spare. What do you wanna do?" He said winking at me.

"Nothing that you suggest."

He finally got his shoes on.

"What's taking you so long?" He teased.

I ran after him with my keys menacingly but not before I locked the door. He quickly ran down the stairs to the car park. Where he continued to look confused.

He didn't know which car was mine.

I called him over to my car and he obliged.

We had exactly 5 minutes to get there thanks to Ming and his shoes. His stupid stupid shoes.

Why did he have to be so extra? I couldn't deny that I loved it though. It was one of  the things that made him special. But I'd never admit to him that I liked it.

I had to be grumpy Kit but sometimes I get bored playing the same role all the time. Why couldn't I be romantic Kit or nice Kit? Or just kit. I could just be myself.

"Kit hurry up and get your seat belt on. We're going to be late. You need to stop gaydreaming."

"What did you just say?" I said turning round furiously to face him.

"I said stop daydreaming and hurry up!" He exclaimed.

I did what he said and quickly drove towards the police station. Luckily it wasn't that far away and we didn't have to face any major traffic jams. We were going to be a couple of minutes late but we weren't late late.

I parked my car in the car park nearest to the station. Me and Ming scrambled out of the car. I locked it and we began speed walking down the path as quickly as possible.

As soon as the station was in sight our pace slightly relaxed. Before we even made it into the station. The unthinkable happened.

"Hello Stranger fancy seeing you here of all places." I turned around, so did Ming and it was him. It was the one who tried to take Ming from me.

"Who are you?" Ming questioned.


Ming's Pov

Something in Kit's head clicked. I could see the anger rising in his face at the sight of the man. But I just didn't understand. Was this his ex or something?

Before I could even begin to imagine how these two actually knew each other. Kit was on him. Punch after punch was thrown at the man. It didn't seem like he was ever going to stop. It all happened so fast I just didn't know how to react or what I should do but the beating came to an abrupt end when the man surrendered. There was blood dripping down his face.

As if it was perfectly timed a policeman came out of the station and split the two apart. Handcuffing them both and taking them into the station.

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