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Song 16 - Marina and the diamonds - I'm a ruin
Third person

"He..." Kit said pointing at Arthit "...is your brother." His voice was laced with disgust.

"Yes. I thought you knew." He said looking between the two in confusion.

"This..." Kit said looking Arthit up and down "...belongs to your family? How can he be related to you Pha? You're my friend for God's sake and he, he just disgusts me."

Pha moved Arthit away from the visibly angry Kit and stepped closer to his childhood friend.

"What is going on here?" He exclaimed, obviously annoyed.

"What do you mean what's going on here? You just bailed your brother out of jail. Don't you have any idea why he was here in the first place? He was here because of what he did to Ming. My Ming." He said staring into Arthits empty eyes. They held nothing that resembled emotions. He showed no sign of empathy for what he had done and that just made Kit angrier.

Ming was holding Kit's arm back like he was getting ready to hold him back when he really lost his temper.

Pha's reaction was cold. He didn't know where to look. Should he look at the victim? The villain? Or his childhood friend who was trying to help him the only way he knew how.

He chose the villain.

"Please tell me it's not true Arthit." He begged desperately.

Arthit stared at the ground like it was going to answer the question for him. Eventually he decided to face him. All Arthit had to do was look his brother in the eyes and Pha knew. He knew he had done something wrong.

"What did you do?" He cried out.

At this point Ming had gone from holding on to Kit to Kit holding on to him. You could see him shaking slightly. He was so fragile that Kit was worried that the smallest thing could set him off. This whole situation was getting to him. He felt like it was his fault. He could be breaking up childhood friends and even a family but deep down he knew it wasn't his fault. It was Arthits and he had to pay.

Arthit tried to form his words but he couldn't. All that could come from his mouth was some incoherent stutters and splutters.

"Spit it out." Kit almost screamed. You could feel the waves of anger coming from him.

"If you don't I'll tell him." Kit threatened, pointing his finger aggressively at Arthit.

The threat seemed to kickstart Arthit into action.

"Pha..." Arthit said resting his hand on his brothers shoulder.

"... Ming tried to have sex with me and he's trying to charge me with attempted sexual assault."

For the first time Ming spoke.

"TAKE THAT BACK!" He shouted. His change in character was absolutely terrifying. No one had ever seen him that angry before and that was all the proof that Pha needed. His brother was a liar and he knew it.

Pha took away his brothers hand.

"Talk to me when you care enough to tell me the truth." He said walking away angrily.

Arthit ran after him but he was no match for Phas long legs. If Pha didn't want to talk to him he wouldn't. It was as simple as that.

That left Beam, Kit and Ming stood outside of the police station completely bewildered. No one really knew what happened. But they were all thinking the same thing.

They all wanted to go home and that's exactly what they did.

Apart from Ming who decided he would prefer to stay at Kit's house instead. He insisted he was too scared to be home alone but he and everyone else knew that wasn't the truth but of course Kit didn't realise. He was completely oblivious to Mings flirting. It was obvious that Ming liked Kit.

Ming's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about everything that had happened earlier today but one particular part kept replaying itself. He said "my Ming." He didn't say "my friend Ming.", "My brother Ming." Or even better just "Ming" he called me his. But did he really mean it? Was it just a slip of the tongue? I just didn't know what this meant for me, him or us.

He went into the kitchen to make dinner. I had a feeling he wasn't the greatest cook in the world but I'm sure it will do. You could literally feel the stress coming out of the kitchen and he was only making pot noodle! Which isn't the hardest thing to make in the world. Technically you didn't have to make it but this didn't stop Kit from swearing underneath his breath or pacing around the kitchen loudly.

Finally after about 5 minutes he came in with his "homemade master piece." I was just relieved I could finally eat something that (hopefully) wasn't burnt. I thanked him and began devouring the meal. I hadn't really eaten much all day and neither had he so our expressions when looking at the food in front of us were nearly identical.

"Ming. I have a question for you." Kit piped up.

I looked up at him expectantly. "Go ahead." I replied.

"Do you like me?"

At that exact moment a noodle got stuck in my throat. I erupted into a coughing fit and it wasn't just because of the noodle...

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