Chapter 62: Revelations

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~3rd person PoV~

Right as Nolan got the basement door open and had the keys back in his hand, he heard a floor board creak behind him. He spun around to see Jason, who full force shoved him down the stairs.
When Nolan landed, there was a loud *CRACK* from his rib cage, which caused him pain, but he knew that he had to fight to get Jack home to safety.
    Jason came running down the basement steps, landing in front of Nolan, punching him in the nose with such great force that it shattered.
    Nolan didn't waste any time, and he rolled over, getting on top of Jason, pressing his thumbs into Jason's eye sockets. Jason bit down on Nolan's right arm, but Nolan just put even more pressure on Jason's left eye, eventually causing it to explode. Nolan tossed the ring of keys to Jack while Jason screamed in pain.
    Jason's screams of pain were muffled by Nolan, shoving his shirt into Jason's mouth. Jason was able to get one more punch in, hitting Nolan in the cheek, before Jack was able to inject Jason with his own syringe of anesthesia.
     Nolan shackled and handcuffed Jason to the same spot where he had imprisoned Jack, and Nolan picked Jack up, carrying him out of the house, leaving through the back door.

~Jack PoV~

As we neared the house, I could tell that Nolan was coming down from his adrenaline high, and the pain was starting to set in, but he still continued to carry me back to the house.
     We finally made it to the house, and Nolan sat us down on the back porch, before both of us passed out; him from the pain, blood loss, and exhaustion. Me from malnourishment.

~Mark PoV~

Jack was asleep in our bed when I picked up the scent of blood. It was very strong, like it was right outside the house.
I quickly left my bedroom and made my way downstairs, only to be met by Brian, Ethan, and Tyler.

"You guys smell the blood too?" I asked.

"Yup." Ethan replied.

"I think it's coming from the back porch." Tyler said.

I lead the way to the back door, pulling it open when I saw Jack and Nolan passed out and bleeding on the cold, concrete porch.

"We need to get them to a hospital!" Brian exclaimed.

"Yeah. But why the fuck are there two Jack's?" I asked.

"*cough* this one's the real Jack. *cough* *cough*, don't let the other one leave the house." Nolan choked out.

"Tyler, you take care of the Jack in my room, Ethan, Brian, help me get them into the car!" I instructed.


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