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Y/n pov
Well this is it, you were about to do it again. About to leave a family a safe place all because of yharnarm more specifically because of sanguinemalum. Well this time was different I guess this time to save the world. Whats the use? There's no reason I should think positive none of this is good. I'm returning back to a fucking NIGHTMARE. From here one out just killing, killing, and more killing, all alone no one to help me, no one to save me, I can't fuck up one miss step and I'm dead.
You thought to yourself ass you loaded the last bullet into your sniper/claymore . You gotten up early and was currently packing. No one else was awake so you decided to head to the roof just to contemplate so more. As you got to the roof and admired the sun rise you heard the voice from the night you danced with the doll.
???: wow so dark and negative... just like in yharnarm HA!
I spun around  and drew my pistol I saw 3 figures
One had brown hair and blood red eyes and was wearing a black suit with a red dress shirt and a necklace that had the ...Odeon rune on it?

  At his side where two females one where(idk how to describe it ok just yuis megas mode outfit from trinity 7) and had pale white hair. And seemed about the height of Maria and wears a sweet smile
   The other was tall about your height with pale skin and wore the same out fit but black. She had black Jair in a ponytail and looked either bored or pissed

You:"who are you"

The male speaks first

???: "What?! You already forgot!? It's me Odeon!"

You:"but Odeon doesn't have form"

Odeon:" Come on plot convenience man!" He says while smiling. Suddenly a guy pops out of nowhere
Me:"Shut It!!"
Then he disappears
You:"well any way who are you two?" You say gesturing towards the other females

The one with white hair answers
??:"I'm angelumlucis, but you can call me Lucy.
She says happily
You:"ok and you?"
She groans and and says

?:"Angelustenebris, but just call me teny."

You:"alright so you're all great ones?"

You: "ok so why are you here?"

Odeon:" simple because even though all great ones hate you we don't plus converge speeds. As stuff to come for everyone including us however because of the anomaly it caused we can now take form"he said as if it were completely normal

You:"ok how does this include me?"

Teny:"ugh how do you have more iSight them Willum and not get this" she said annoyed

Lucy:"hey That's mean!"

Odeon:"well because you were able to kill  5 great(I'm pretty sure that's ) and several amydagla and have the most insight due to all the stuff you've seen... YOU are now our only hope."

You:"ok of y'all are Great ones what is the doll?"

Odeon:"well at first she was an break off my soul and another great ones but now she different... human actually"

You:"No she's a doll"

Teny:"ugh Odeon you stupid shit you ruined the surprised" she said while face palming

Odeon put his hands up in a way of saying "my bad" while Lucy scolded teny on her language
Just then the door to their roof burst open, showing the doll who's hair was down and was where a an under shirts and sweat pants seeming yours.

Doll:"hunter I'm-"

You:"Human" you said cutting her off
You turn back to where the great ones were standing and there were gone. Then you felt a shove and Odeons voice
Odeon:"go for it dude" however this time the doll didn't hear it
Now that everything about her was real she looked so much more beautiful  and everything looked better and when I say everything i mean   EVERYTHING (dolls thicc) the way her hair flowed in the wind, to her pale skin.
You:"doll your so beautiful."
She blushed heavily at this and looked fine trying to find something to say. While she was does this you pulled down your scarf and took of your hat. You then walked up to her slightly tilted her  head up, once you did you kissed her and she immediately began kissing back. After yo looked into each other's  eyes for what felt like hours but than an alert on you scroll went off saying the bull head  will be there in 10 minutes
Time skip the doll went and changed back into her usual outfit which looked even better on her and walked you to the bull head along with Maria and team RWBY once you where there you put your bags in the bull head and said bye then everyone. When you got to the doll she pulled you into a passionate kiss, and while you 2 where kissing team RWBY was groaning while Maria Yelled "FUCK!!" as soon as she saw it. With one last wave the door closed and left you there with the 2 pilots.
Timeskip a  hour
you where reading a book when the co pilot
Burst up from his seat and yells "For the white fang!!" And drew his gun to shoot you. In response you quickly threw a knife and hit him in the forehead killing him. While the pilot looked horrified you chuckled and sat in the co pilots  and said
You:*chuckle*" Nothing the like  first kill of a new hunt"

It done her ready for part 2 in a few weeks though probably sometime in august
Also since the doll is now human do you  want to call her doll or change it to Evetta ok well this is done so BYE

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