Chapter 2: Here Goes Nothing

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I know I should focus on this case, especially now that I know who the agent's defense attorney is. Alan Shore. Yeah, I've heard of him. Excellent lawyer. 

Odafin "Fin" Tutuola interrupts my train of thought. "So you know who we up against?" I look at him and nod.

"Alan Shore, from Crane, Poole, and Schmidt. He's every prosecutor's nightmare." Fin nods "Yeah, I heard of him. His behavior in court ain't always legal, and he's a real tricky dude." I nod 

"Exactly! This isn't gonna be an easy task."

Carisi smiled "You can beat him, Lieu. You've beaten tough defense attorneys like him before."

The next day

I looked at the clock.

9:30 AM

I have half an hour before I have to face Alan Shore in that courtroom. I've seen some of Shore's earlier cases. Alan Shore, the notorious Boston lawyer, known for his tricky, and not always legal, behavior. 

I arrived at the courthouse with Carisi and heard his voice. Agent Ressler 

"Keen, for what it's worth, I think you were framed." I walked  inside the room "Agents, am I interrupting something?"

Ressler smiled "Miss Benson." I smiled "Uh, you can call me Melissa." he grinned and nodded.


I smiled "Don. That short for Donald?" he nodded. I nodded "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for my partner. Well, former partner. What about you?" 

"Miss Benson is about to lose her case." a smooth, deep male voice interrupted my conversation with the handsome field agent, making us both turn our heads. "It would seem she's a little nervous." 

Dominick Carisi huffed "Don't get your hopes up, pretty boy."

The defender grinned self contently, carrying his briefcase in his hand. The young woman I saw in the elevator walked in the room. 

"Mr. Shore." I replied, not impressed at all. "Nice to see you've arrived on time."

Instantly, Alan Shore started to laugh and he slightly nodded his head "Indeed." he couldn't hide the growing smile on his lips before he looked at the young woman "And Carly, what a pleasure to see you this delightful morning." 

She smirked "Alan" she said as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear "Aren't we confident today?"

"Oh I'm confident every day." he smiled mischievously. Alan Shore's smile turned from mischievous to devilish as he stepped closer to her. He closed his eyes for a second as he inhaled her fragrance "Mm, you smell lovely." he murmured quietly and kissed her cheek, the self content smile still on his face.

She chuckled and shook her head "See you later, Alan." she whispered softly. Alan Shore grinned and followed her before he came up to the courtroom the case on Agent Keen was in. 

"Wait." Carly turned and smirked at him " have a court trial to attend to.." Shore kissed her cheek and watched as she walked away.

Once Carly was out of sight, Shore headed to my courtroom where I was already waiting for him. I was standing behind my desk with the CIA Director next to me. The pictures I brought as evidence were already on display. The OREA bombing, Senator Hawkins dead, and Tom Connolly, dead.

Alan Shore placed his briefcase on his desk, Agent Keen was next to him, Agent Ressler behind him. I smirked "Mr. Shore, I see you're done flirting." 

"You smell lovely." Carisi repeated what Shore said to Carly. I smirked at the defender "Really? That's how you compliment women?"

Shore just chuckled and turned his back to me as the judge entered and everybody stood up. I had no idea who was coming to defend Agent Keen besides him.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the jury," I begin "Those of you that don't know me, my name is Melissa Benson. I'm not originally from Boston, but from what I've seen already, it's a beautiful city. One can only imagine the anger you feel because you assumed this agent, Agent Elizabeth Keen, was a loyal patriot. But instead, you find out she's a Russian sleeper agent! I can't make up for all of these deaths. But what I can do, is bring this sleeper agent" I stare at Agent Keen "to justice." I ended my speech and walked back to my desk, I could already feel Alan Shore's blue grayish eyes staring intensely.

But instead of saying anything to me, he stood up, buttoned his jacket back up, and walked to the same spot I stood at before. 

"In opposite to the lovely Miss Benson, I am here to prove the innocence of Agent Elizabeth Keen. You all know me very well. My name is Alan Shore." he paused, his voice calmer and softer than before.

"During the investigation of Karakurt, Agent Keen and her partner Agent Ressler were searching for the man responsible for the previous attack. Agent Keen caught sight of Karakurt and as she was on his tail, he blindsided her. Agent Keen tested positive for the virus that killed Senator Hawkins. And if that wasn't enough, Tom Connolly threatened to take down the task force, one member at a time." Alan Shore raised his voice, strong and powerful echoing in the room "As we speak, their asset is one his way here, to protect Agent Keen. This FBI agent is innocent. Agent Elizabeth Keen was framed, by the Cabal." 

Alan Shore walked back to his desk and unbuttoned his suit jacket again and sat down, leaning back and folding his hands in his lap.

"Your witness, Miss Benson." I nod and call up my first witness, Detective Caleb Patterson. 

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