The One where my son comes out

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"You have to tell them, Mateo. You can't hide this anymore." Mateo, Aphmau and Aaron's sixteen year old son, tried to encourage himself in the mirror.

"But what if they reject me?? Disown me..." Mateo wipes a tear away from his face. Then he remembered. He remembered a memory.

Nine years ago

"Mateo!" Aphmau calls for her seven year old son to the living room. "Yes, Mama?" Mateo asks as Aphmau nudges him to sit with her.

"I need to show you this now. Your papa doesn't know about this video and I want you to see it." Aphmau responds, pressing the "play" button to the living room tv remote.

"Today is March 7th, 2007. I'm currently 5 months pregnant. If our future child is watching this, today me and your father learned that you're a baby boy! Yay! Now, here are my promises to you..."

"I promise to accept you. Me and your father want to give you the most loving house we can give to you. But I won't except drugs. If that happens, I will try my absolute best to help you. Anyway, son, I don't even know you completely and I already love you. I always will, cross my heart."

"Let's hope they still love me the same." Mateo sighs. "Mateo! Dinner's ready!" Aphmau calls from downstairs.

"Can it wait? I have a presentation due tomorrow!" Mateo lies. He looks back into the mirror. His little sister, Alina, barges into the room.

"Dad said get you butt downstairs or you're in trouble." Alina sings. "Can you ask him for ten more minutes?" Mateo asks.

"Unless you want to feel the Wrath of Dad, I suggest you come downstairs." Alima says, leaving Mateo in thought.


After dinner, Mateo gathered his family into the living room. His mother, father, and little sister, Alina"What's so important that it had to wait after dinner?" Aaron asks. "When I tell you this, will you get angry at me?" Mateo asks.

"Did you break my piggy back? Oh, it's on! Put your dukes up!" Alina interrupts. "Your $2.33 cents are fine, Alina." Mateo rolls his eyes.

"You're not on drugs, are you? I was always afraid-" "No, mom, I'm drug-free." Mateo stops.

"You didn't get a girl pregnant, did you?" Aaron asks. "Of course not, Dad!" Mateo replies.

"Okay, we're listening." Aphmau says, grabbing her husband's hand. Sweat came rolling down Mateo's face. "You look constipated." Alina snickers.

"Alina, let your brother speak." Aphmau scold. "I'm gay." Mateo whispers. All three of Mateo's family members eyes widen.

"I. Was. Not. Expecting. That." Alina blinks a couple of times. Mateo sees the fear and anger in Aaron's eyes.

Aphmau doesn't say a word. "Mom...Dad." Mateo whispers. Aphmau stands up and hugs him.

"I don't care as long as you're true to yourself. You shouldn't have to hide something like this from us. You can trust us." Aphmau says. Shortly, Aaron joins in the hug.

"Dad? You're not mad?" Mateo asks. "Just a little, but I'll get over it." Aaron says.

"Yeah, you're still my smelly, nerd, annoying-" "Okay, who wants dessert?" Aphmau stops Alina from insulting her brother.

"Thanks guys. For accepting me for who I am."

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