The One where he gets me too

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"Okay, look at me." Dante and Aaron stand in front of the front door, "It's not hard. Find her, ask her to talk, and tell her exactly how you feel."

"It's not that easy. I really like this girl and I don't want to mess anything up. What if she doesn't like me back?"

"You guys had a fun day, talked for hours in your car, had sex, and you think she doesn't like you. I know I'm an idiot, but a girl doesn't just give up her body unless she feels something for this person." Dante protests, "She doesn't just like you, she really like you- probably just as much as you like her."

"I hope you're right."

"She isn't Lily. Nothing like her. This girl likes you, dude. Now all that's left is you tell her." The door opens a few people come running out. A girl bends down and pukes on the ground while the other girls comfort her.

"And they finally roll in." Garroth grabs their shoulders, "It's crazy in there! Why are you hanging out here like losers?"

"Dante lost his phone and I was helping him find it." Aaron lies.

Dante pulls his phone out from his pocket, "Found it near your bush." He plays along.

"Whatever. Come on, everyone's inside. Especially Aphmau and her friends." Garroth turns back into the house.

"Heard that? She's in there. You're here. Get your ass in that party and go find your girl."

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Aphmau takes a glass away from Kawaii~Chan, "No more drinking for you. You're about to crash."

"No, I'm not Aphmau~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan slurs as she leans on the wall while laughing. "Have you seen Zane~Kun?"

"No and I'm not letting you see him like this either."

"No fair! You're just salty because you haven't talked to Aaron since the car sex!" She says and Aphmau covers her mouth,

"That's it, I'm taking you back home because seone doesn't know how to control her alcohol." As Aphmau looks for her car keys, Garroth and Laurence walk up to her,

"Hey, Aphmau." Garroth greets her. "I'm so glad you were able to show up."


"He beat us to her." Dante points to Garroth and Laurence talking to Aphmau while she looks uncomfortable and Kawaii~Chan is leaning on the wall laughing. "He's probably shooting his shot."

"See, I told you this was a bad idea. We shouldn't have came in the first place."

"Wait look!"


"And ever since, I've been known as-"

"Yeah yeah great, um I have to get my friend Kawaii~Chan home before she-" She realizes she had left. "Goddamn it, I looked away for one second-"

"Me and Laurence can help you look for her if you'd like."

"No I'm good, you guys... enjoy the party. I'll go look for her then probably bounce. I gotta wake up early anyway." She says but Laurence steps in front of her.

"You can't go. You just got it." He says, "Just relax, me and Garroth will find Kawaii~Chan and you just get a drink and enjoy the night."

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