Chapter 22: Jubilation

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Amy's eyes fluttered open slowly and the first thing she saw was a bright white light that flashed before her and she closed her eyes again due to it stinging. Her eyes hurt and she felt nauseous. She could hear voices around her but in distant echoes. She re-opened her eyes and the light shined again. Her vision was distorted but with a few blinks of her eyes they fixed up and she noticed a light bulb up on the ceiling. She stared at it for a long time before noticing that she could see it. Her eyes widened and she gasped and her body jolted up but she had no energy so strung back down.

"Amy!" Mr. Rose appeared before her and Amy's eyes shook from the horror. Mr. Rose's hands went to her cheeks and he looked directly at her. "C-Can you see me?"

"I...I can," Amy asked not sure if she was dreaming or imaging things.

Her pitch black world was gone. She was seeing light and colors and her grandfather. Her eyes moved around making contact with each different item around the room. Paintings and vases, tables and walls painted white, she was seeing it all. Amy's hand went up to her eyes and touched them. She could see her small gloved hands in front of her and thought why.

Her grandfather hugged her and Amy hugged him back seeing the back of his quills. It was really happening she could see him.


More voices came in and Amy's eyes shifted up and found a bunny, cat, armadillo and fox coming in with smiled and surprised looks. Mr. Rose pulled away turning to them. Cream ran up to Amy without holding back and her arms wrapped around her.

"Amy!" She cried, happily.

Amy blinked and when Cream's head lifted she met her brown eyes and took a good look at her face. This was who Cream was and looked like. Her heart raced and she took a look at the rest of her friends. She didn't know who each one was until they spoke, but none had Sonic's voice.

"How do you feel?" Tails asked her.


"So, how does it feel?!" Honey asked grinning and leaning her hands on the bed for support.


"Does it hurt anywhere?" Mighty asked.

Amy's head lowered and suddenly she felt sad. She didn't understand what was going on but she was suddenly able to see, Sonic was gone and she had a feeling that she saw it coming, but she couldn't understand how she felt so shocked.

"W-Where's Sonic?" She asked, in a low voice.

The room went silent and finally Amy was able to acknowledge the expressions in their faces for the first time in a long time. The eyes that avoided her made Amy's heart relaxed and she smiled. She was correct. He was gone. Her head lowered. "I see," She muttered and forced a smile.

Nobody in the room expected her to smile after being told Sonic was gone, so they grew concerned for her. Nurses came in and took over to examine Amy's eyes. The five of them stepped to the side and watched them check her eyes meanwhile figuring out how to exactly tell her why he was gone.

It'd been a full day since Sonic left so he was long gone. Sonic didn't say where he was going, but that it was anywhere but here. When Tails tried to call him to let him know Amy had awoken the line beeped. His phone was disconnected and so there was no way to contact or communicate with him. Tails sighed but Cream placed a hand on his shoulder. She offered him a small smile assuring him that it was all okay. Mighty and Honey were already looking at him with wide grins. Tails explained the whole story to Mighty and Honey so they understood quickly what needed to be done.

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