Chapter 19

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Hello there :) First of all, thank you for being such loyal readers and commenters, I really appreciate the feedback! And I also enjoy reading what you all think about the fic. 

I've got another fanfiction ready, which I have already completed, but then for the fandom of Doctor Who, with David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor. I am going to upload that one here on Wattpad too, for everyone who wants to read it :) It's called Revenge of a Time Lord, and I have given Tennant again a more villainous role. I have written that story about three years ago, so my English was (even) worse than it is now, but if you want to read more dark and depressing stuff coming from my brains, you are very welcome to check it out ^^

Enjoy this chapter :) xxx


"Just out of interest, darling," Bellatrix said sweetly while the three were waiting for Winky to return. "What are you going to do with the Mudblood if the Dark Lord decides that we won't use her anymore? I mean... the Order probably knows where she is, they probably also know where Lovegood and Ollivander are, and if even they don't come looking for them, then I seriously doubt if Potter will come. Maybe we should go find Potter ourselves, offer him the Mudblood in exchange for him. He would do that. He is a Gryffindor. He would sacrifice himself."

"Let's wait for the Dark Lord's own plans before making any ourselves," Barty told her gruffly. "But I won't kill her yet... she is way too much fun to be around. She really gives us something to do, doesn't she? Now look at the trouble she has caused singlehandedly."

A chilling smirk grew on Barty's face, one that gave Hermione shivers. He had the strange quality to make the temperature of the room decrease to below the zero point. Or maybe it was the combination of the two Death Eaters; Bellatrix wasn't a very warm and kind person either.

"I can't help thinking about Lucius' face when he finds out that you will be staying here for a while. He won't like that."

"Tough. My own house is probably guarded by the Order by now. I don't like being here either. I don't give a damn about what Lucius thinks," Barty snapped.

"If you can't keep the girl under control, he'll only be more of a pest. You know how he likes to taunt people when they fail. You'll need to make her afraid of you again..."

"Look at her. She is trembling. She is afraid."

"Not as afraid as she should be..." Bellatrix turned towards Hermione. "Maybe I could succeed, if Barty would let me play with his toy for a bit..."

"You will not come anywhere near me, you evil witch," Hermione hissed.

"Tsk, tsk, see what I mean, Barty? And you just let her talk to a Pureblood like that."

Barty's eyes darkened even more as he slowly circled around Hermione.

"You can swear at us what you want..." he hissed in her ear. "But your father is the one who will pay the price..."

Bellatrix grinned when she saw Hermione's eyes widening.

"... and if you don't learn to keep your mouth shut, I will order Winky to find your mother as well. And I might hand her over to the very capable hands of Bellatrix."

Hermione audibly swallowed a lump in her throat away when Barty let his hands rest on her shoulders, squeezing her threateningly.

"After I am done with your daddy, I will hurt you. Because you decided to reveal yourself, after all the countless warnings I have been giving you. Stupid, stupid girl..." Barty continued.

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