Chapter 6: Raven

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A/N: Hi Guys! Sorry for not updating for long. I personally really like this chapter... Poor Raven! MWAHAHAHA. I hope you guys enjoy it too <3

On that fatal day, I realized the truth. All those plans, those blueprints, the aeroplane, those days filled with happiness and laughter with my family - it was all a desperate child's desperate dream. It was my escape from the harsh world where the strong prey upon the weaker, my escape to forget the fact that in this world I was the prey, the weakest of the weak.

That day the keeper, Sedge, whispered into my ear, it was if he was directly talking to my brain, my heart. His words slowly tore down the daydream I had spent so long to build up, my final defense against that painful reality.

You can never run from us, boy. We are too strong for you.

It was all so true. They were strong. I was weak. The world revolved around the powerful, not the feeble. Only power mattered here. Sure, I tried to fight against that rule. But see where that led me to. Both my parents are dead. Jay is as poor as ever, struggling to survive each day.

I was stupid to think that a weakling like me could change the world for the better. I only made everything worse.

But somewhere, in a small, dark corner of my heart, a part of my old foolish self still wanted to believe in the small fantasy I had created for my own satisfaction. To stay curled up in the comfort of my childhood lie.

So, to show myself what was right, I decided to make the biggest step in

my life. It was a terribly hard choice to make. But in the end, it was all just a very simple step.

I knew what I had to do. It was to join what I'd previously believed to be the other side - the keepers.

The more I trained, the more I understood the keepers' point of view and intentions. And the more I understood, the more I began to regret how I'd judged them in the past. I mean, they were only trying to protect the citizens. And they were trying their very best to fight against nature's laws, and to build a more equal and better society for the weak. How could havethey been bad?

I trained fiercely. By pushing myself to the edge, I could almost shut out the pain I felt for the loss of my parents. But even about that, I was starting to wonder: Maybe that keeper had killed my mother for a reason. Possibly for the greater good, for the citizens to lead a better life in the Dome. Why else would he kill an innocent person? He's a keeper, for goodness sake. But it was only a tiny thought that had just crossed my mind, those three keepers were still "murderers" inside me.

At first, joining the keepers was only to prove to myself that I was wrong. But as the months past, I began to understand the whole "desire for power" thing. I could feel myself becoming more stronger, more capable of doing things I'd have never thought possible before. For the first time in my life, I was feeling what it was like to switch sides from being the "protected" to the "protecting".  And I must admit, it felt good.

I had a new goal in set. I wanted to become a keeper. I wanted the power. I didn't want to be the "weak teenager" who'd tried to live in a dream any more. I wanted to be the powerful keeper who lived his life in this reality.

After two years of intense training, I graduated the keepers training programme with top score. At 17 years, I was by far the youngest of the graduates, who were mostly in their early twenties, but I had gained the title of top student fair and square.

As the graduation ceremony neared to the end, after all the speeches and all that boring stuff, all the gradates stood up for the big moment. The receiving of the final object that would make us keepers.

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