Chapter 12

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He's the one who tells me to face reality, but in truth, he's the one whose not facing it at all.

I laugh scornfully at Raven's words. Adults always say that. Give up those foolish dreams. Don't avert your eyes from reality. Don't they realize? Those words only come from those who have forgotten how to dream. They are the ones who aren't facing the real world.

The sky above us is so blue, so broad, so who says we can't fly? Unknown places exist so we can find out about them.

And I am going to find out with my very own eyes, what colour the boundless grasslands really are.

Everything moves in slow motion. I can see the movement of Raven's finger as he moves to pull the trigger of his gun. With intention to kill or to slow down, I do not know. But before he can fully release the trigger, I jump out of the way, and send the small knife I've sneaked into my hand spinning through the air towards him.

The bullet completely misses its target, and ends up piercing the concrete ground beside me instead.

My blade, however, meets bulls-eye, right where I aimed for, cutting through the crimson cloth of Raven's blindfold. The fabric flutters to the ground, and the piercing scarlet of his eyes come revealed. Those unforgiving orbs are enough to penetrate through rock, so different from those warm eyes from the days we spent together long before, but I try not to be affected by them. Raising the corner of my mouth in what I hope is a firm grin, I say softly: "You've forgotten how to dream, Raven Kuina, so I shall awaken that potential I know you still hold deep inside of yourself." Raven's eyes widen, and his grip weakens on the gun. I nod and tap the side of my head. "Watch me, and burn everything into those flaming eyes of yours. Just watch me, Raven."

I pull my goggles - the ones Anna and Jack gave to Raven and me, the ones matching the pair tied around Raven's waist I've pretended not to realize - over my eyes, a motion I've done countless times before. But today is different from all those times -- today's is a move that marks the beginning of a new era.

Then, leaving a stunned Raven behind me, I turn on my heels and run up the concrete steps of the building where it all began.


For a moment, all I can do is to stare at the spot Jay had been standing just a second ago.

In my eyes without the blindfold, Jay's expression was one almost too bright to look at. Back when we were young, I was the one pulling him around, but now, he runs so far ahead of me, the distance between us is almost impossible to close.

Don't leave me.

I immediately feel disgusted for feeling that. Don't be stupid, He's just playing with me. Don't become emotional and stare out into space! MOVE!

I grind my teeth, and hastily run after the disappearing young man.

But even with all the advantages I should hold, what with the daily training at the headquarters and such, for some reason, I can't catch up with Jay at all. 

'You mean 'we', right?'

 I can't breathe in enough air.

'Let's get outta here.'

I constantly trip over my own feet. 

'Launching Operation Jailbreak.'

What is wrong with me?

The memories slow me down. With every step I take, the recollections of my immature but bright young days weaken my legs. This place is filled with too many pleasant memories.

Is this what separates Jay and I? Jay, still floating in the warm bright light, and I, already sinking deep into the cold black darkness?

I struggle to the roof of the building and am met by a strong wind that blows my cap off. I cover my eyes instinctively, shielding it from both the wind and the sudden bright light that filters the glass roof of the Dome. Through the lashes of my half-closed eyes, I look up to see the silhouette of something enormous, of something majestic, take off into the air.

Our dream.

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