Chapter 32 Change

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Given Killian's connections and ample amount of money, he helped arrange Zelena sending her things out there to her new apartment. "They're not living together right?" Regina asked worriedly. "Oh Regina, no," Killian said gently buttoning the baby's outfit.

"You know if you weren't the little sister, I would think you're the older one, given how protective you are," He commented picking up the small baby. "She's my sister," Regina defended. "I know that, but she's also older than you, she's my age, as is Graham, and they can make their own decisions. She is getting her own place, but also remember, we moved in only a few months into dating too," he reminded.

"That's.. I don't.. we..." she stuttered at him. He rose his eyebrow. "Give me the baby," Regina sighed, and took Molly in her arms, as Killian chuckled. "Regina, you just had a little one 6 weeks ago, this is all normal," he said.

"What? Protecting my sister has nothing to do with her love life or the baby. Besides, I'm happy she's moving here, for me, she's not moving here for him," Regina said. "Well I bet it's partially for him," Killian chided. Regina glared at him with a frustrated scowl. "Your Daddy is getting in trouble," Regina commented as the little one nuzzled against her. 

"Ok, in that case, Daddy is going to work," he kissed her cheek. "I'm doing my article," she insisted. "Regina, I told you, you can take a full maternity leave," he said. "I want to do my article," She insisted again. "Ok ok, Mother knows best," he gently cupped the baby's head and kissed them both goodbye. 

Six weeks into motherhood, Regina indeed went through changes. Most of them were positive. She was adapting to her new daughter, and Molly was quite cooperative. She was a good eater and natural little sleeper for them. 

Regina, however, felt herself worrying a lot more than she used to. Killian insisted that was just a normal part of parenthood, according to other parents. Mary Margaret had come over regularly and spent time with her, given her son was the same age as Molly. 

Regina yawned and stretched, gazing over at Molly in her little swing. Molly would sleep in large gaps, giving Regina time to get work done. The infant stretched when she woke up, and Regina kept taking videos of her for Killian. 

He took about 3 weeks off, but he couldn't really be home more than that. He was starting to get on Regina's nerves and fixing things that didn't need fixing just to keep busy. He did miss the baby though, when he was at work. 

Killian smiled, looking at his phone as the new video came through. "Hey Daddy," Graham popped in, "Stop calling me that, it's creepy as hell," Killian said. "Fine, Papa," Graham sat down with a grin. "What are you grinning about? You know she's more moving here for her sister than you," Killian said.

"I know that, but I get to see her," He grinned. "Yeah ok, just, I haven't been a hard ass on you, because I been busy with my actual child, but you better behave yourself," Killian said. "Who says I'm not? Maybe I realized something," Graham tossed the ball in the air. 

"Oh?" Killian asked. "Yeah, maybe seeing you settle and become a father, has changed me too," Graham said. "Really?" Killian leaned against the wall, "Yeah, maybe I want that too," Graham said. "Aww, you're finally growing up, I'm proud," Killian said. "Shut up," he threw the ball at him and headed out. 

"Uh hey, you're going to .. you know.. be my best man right?" Killian asked. Graham grinned, "I would be in great despair if I wasn't," Graham held out his hand, and shook Killian's happily. "Great, thanks, I bet Zelena will be maid of honor," he winked. Graham danced his brows up. 

Killian got a phone call in the office, and caught the attention of the entire office, throwing the phone across the room. "Son of a bitch!!" he yelled. Tiana, Graham and Ruby looked at each other, "Uhh," Graham headed in first. 

The remaining staff just stared, trying not to. "What's wrong?" Graham asked. "You know that fucking competitor?!" Killian yelled. "Yeah?" Graham asked. "Well they're playing hard ball now, and think I'm distracted because of the baby, things are going to get ugly," Killian said. "Uh oh, that look in your eye is a bad sign," Graham said. "Just get your articles done, I always win," Killian sat back down. 

"Dad's mad," Tiana said to them as they headed out of his office. 

At home

"Did you find your hand? Yeah?" Regina cooed at her daughter, as she moved her hands around, searching for her face. "Oh that's your Daddy," Regina said as the keys were heard in the door. 

Regina's POV- I was always happy when he got home, he smiled softly, but I saw something in his eyes. Stress. "What's wrong?" I asked him as he gently took Molly, and kissed her head.

"Nothing," he sighed, and smiled at the baby. "No, there's something," Regina said. He sat down, and let out a huff, holding the infant, in his hands. "Just it was a tough day," he shook his head. "Why?" Regina pressed.

"Well we have sort of a competitor issue," he said looking at the little one move gently in his hands. "So what's that mean?" Regina asked. "It means changes are coming to the magazine, that's what it means," He said softly.

"Bad changes?" Regina asked. "Well, we'll see, I tend to win when assholes play hardball. However, I need a new office phone, threw it across the room," he admitted with a heavy sigh. Regina widened her eyes a bit, she hadn't seen him that angry. 

"You threw the phone?" She asked worriedly. "I just got pissed off honey, they're being assholes," he got up holding the little one, "But I'm here now, can we enjoy the evening with this one and together?" He asked gently. 

Regina's POV- I didn't like seeing him stressed in any way, I could see it on his face, even when he was smiling at the baby. 

The couple got the little one into her cradle sound asleep. Regina gently hugged Killian, "I don't like seeing you like this," she said. "I know, but I'll be okay, this is part of business, love, sometimes it can be intense," he said gently holding her face in his hands. 

"Can I do anything to help?" She asked. "Mmm, you can't have sex yet, that would help," he joked. "I can do.... other things to you," she grinned and nibbled her lip. "At least relieve the tension," she said. "Yeah?" he asked with a grin. 

Regina nodded and Killian sat on the bed, and she went to her knees.

In the morning, Molly woke them with soft cooing in her cradle. "Maybe I should come back to work," Regina suggested. "And what about Molly? She's a bit too young to be in the office yet, we said 3 months," he said. "Well, maybe Mary Margaret could watch her?" Regina suggested. 

"With her infant? I don't know," Killian said. "I just want to help," Regina said. "Well, that's nice honey, but let's have you home for another 6 weeks before we start juggling Molly into work and such," he said. 

Regina sighed. "Hey," he gently cupped her chin, "You and Molly are my top priority and with me a little stressed right now, it's better to just keep with your maternity leave, there's not much you can do with this competitor," he  said gently. 

At the office 

Tiana, Ruby and Graham shuffled into Killian's office, "What's going on?" he asked them. "We all got offers from them," Graham admitted. Killian sighed, "Shit," he shook his head. "Don't worry we're not accepting anything," Tiana said. "Yeah?" Killian asked. "Obviously, we're loyal," Ruby said.

Killian smiled, "Thanks, so ready to take them down?" he grinned. "I love when he gets like that," Graham said. "I think you're horny for him," Ruby teased, "Shut up," Graham snapped. 

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