Chapter 34 Spaces

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Killian was truly excited and happy that the office got together coming up with a great way to balance kids and the magazine.

Elliot's son, David's son, Killian and Regina's daughter and Ashley's daughter would be the regular four children in the office daycare. Two other children were school age and would only be there when school was closed. Most of the office staff was quite young so those were really the only kids.

The older kids all had shots, Molly was the youngest, next to David's son, so of course Regina and Killian wanted to be sure they wouldn't be exposed to anything they were too little for.

Regina stayed home another week until the office was all set up with Elliot's office made into the daycare.
"You are going to have little friends, Yeah little friends," Regina said softly to Molly as she cooed in her arms.

"Hey, See the pictures?" Killian walked through the door, placing some take out on the counter. Regina softly kisses him, and holds the baby towards him.
"Hi my angel," Killian gently takes his daughter who smiles right at him. "Look at that smile like you're mum," he says. "Oh please that's you," Regina argued. "What no way, that's you," he says kissing the infant's cheek.

"Anyway, I did see the pictures and I love how you guys painted all the wall below the windows like a fish bowl," Regina chuckled.
"Well we will be looking in all the time on them like fish so," he joked.

"Did you hear that Molly? Mommy and Daddy will look in all the time," Regina said sweetly.
"Mmm, It will be good for everyone I think," Killian smiled.

The couple ate their Asian takeout with their chopsticks as their little one wiggled in her swing looking at them.

"So, your sister lives a few blocks away, I think we should start adding a date night," Killian smiled. Regina smiled, "aww still like me?" She mused. "Of course I do, and I think mummy and daddy should have some us time on their schedule, and auntie Zelena and Uncle Graham can watch the baby," he said.

Regina sighed, "I can't believe my sister and Graham are getting closer," she thought. "Well technically he is a good guy," Killian said. "I'm going to tell him you said that," Regina teased. "Don't you dare," Killian tickled Regina's side, and she gasped, into a giggle.
"Yes I will!" Regina laughed and Killian put her on her back on the couch with his hands tickling her sides, "ahhh!! Killian stop!!" Regina squealed cutely as the sensation went up her sides.

"Think Molly will be ticklish like that?" Killian kissed Regina's nose. "Oh I hope not, her father will torment her," Regina said. "Yes I will, I will be the dad to annoy her with tickling her little sides and feet," he said playfully.
"Now, I also wanted to bring up, the wedding," he smiled.
"We haven't even set a date," Regina smiled. "I know so let's," he nodded.

"Well, I want my complete figure back," Regina stated. "What? You have it," Killian said. "Ok Mr. I know what to say to be smooth and get laid all the time," Regina shook her head. He smirked at her statement.
"I'm not completely back to it," Regina denied. Killian looked her up and down as she made her way to the kitchen with their dinner dishes.
"Are you kidding me?" He scoffed.

Killian's POV- she looks exactly the same. She was working out her entire pregnancy and it's been three months on top of after birth, I literally saw no difference in her body aside from bigger boobs, but that was milk.

"Well thank you, but I want to feel exactly the same by the wedding day," she said wrapping her arms around his neck. "Ok, understood, though you do look the same, and are the same size," he said.

Regina's POV- He was being honest I think, he placed his hands around my waist, "See? Can almost touch my fingers still, like before," he smiled at me, damn he was sweet and sexy. "Now this however, mmmm," he slid his hands down to my ass. "Is still the same but I can't wrap my hands around it," he covered his hands over my ass. His hands were large actually and covered each side.

Molly squealed from the living room, "Oh she's probably hungry and almost ready for bed, want to help with bath time daddy?" Regina asked cutely.
"Of course but we need a date still," he smiled. "Well, it's December now, oh my gosh Molly's first Christmas," Regina smiled lifting the infant.

Killian got the sink all perfect and empty for the baby's bath. "Well ok, so then let's see how about Like Valentine's Day or something?" He suggested. "You want me to get a wedding together in three months?" Regina raised her brow, undressing Molly, as Killian got the water ready.

"Right okay good point, March?" He asked. "We could probably swing that," Regina kissed him softly as she gently held Molly in the luke warm water.
Killian gently got the baby soap and they washed their little one together, as the baby passed sweet smiles at them. "I can't get over how we have her, this perfect little baby," Regina said softly as she got Molly into a soft towel on Killian's shoulder.
"Me neither she's pretty amazing, got two loves of my life in just a year," he kissed her softly.

New work week
"Ok I think I'm all set here, Molly it's time for you to come with us," Regina said sweetly as she finished bundling Molly in her car seat to take to work with them.

"Regina she needs two bags for a day?" He asks. "Well, one is for keeping there, wipes and diapers and clothes so we don't have to bring it everyday," she smiled.
"Well sufficient mum," he winked and took them over his shoulder as they headed out.

"Well hi there," Mary Margaret greeted them as they arrived, as she was dropping her son. "Hi," Regina smiled at her.
Ashley's little one was there since she only had nursery half days three days, "baby," she pointed at Molly.

Regina's POV- Ok I was only mildly nervous. I would probably be panicking if we were leaving Molly anywhere else. In Killian's office was also just going to be way too distracting for both of us. She would be safely down the hall and in great hands.

Regina gently handed Molly to Ashley. They had cribs in there for the babies, "Ok, going to my office," Killian kissed Molly's head.
"Ok I'm going to my desk," Regina gently kissed Molly's hands, with a sweet smile as her baby girl beamed at her.
"Couple bottles of milk in the fridge, if she needs more just come get me," Regina nodded and with that she headed to work.

Regina smiled at Killian as she went by his office and he winked as he spoke on the phone.
"Hey, So, problem," Graham bothered her as she got to her desk, Tiana and Ruby stood.
"What?" Regina worried, "Competition crap," Graham said.

"I thought everyone turned him down and there was a plan to just keep playing hardball?" Regina asked. "That was the plan until something else happened," Graham said. "What? You're freaking me out," Regina demanded.
"They got a hold of two articles, and they're publishing them, as their own," Graham said. "Why don't you tell Killian?" Regina gasped, "because we can fix it, now you in with us or want to cause him more worry and stress?" Graham asked.
"I don't want to lie, to the man I'm marrying," Regina said. "You're not lying, you're saving him," Graham said.

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