Memories and Vengeful Confrontation

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"Church? Your telling me that thing is Church." Tucker says shocked at the Monitor. 

"Well, not exactly. See, um, technically, uh, this thing is, uh, just a memory of Church. Um, his name is Epsilon." 


[Epsilon.] Zone corrects. 

"Uh, yeah, see, he's a resident memory of the guy that Church was based on, so he's kind of like, remembering himself. Yeah, Simmons can explain, yeah, much better than I can, probably." 

"Sounds like I have another reason to be glad Simmons isn't here." Grif mutters. 

"Wait, I thought he was Simmons?" Epsilon says looking at Sarge. 

"He's Sarge. Sa-a-aarggee-e." Caboose says slowly. 

"I'm confused, not deaf, you idiot! Now who's the yellow one?" 

"I'm not yellow, I'm orange!" Grif states. 

"Yeah, then how'd you know who I was talking about?" 

"How come he remembers us, but not who we are?" Tucker asks. 

"Why does everyone think I'm yellow?! Seriously! Didn't anybody have a box of crayons when they were a kid?" 

"Oh, it will come back to him. See, I've been telling him stories, about all of us. Well, most of us." Caboose then looks at Tucker. 

"Is that what you've been trying to do all this time? Rebuild your buddy?" Sarge asks. 

" will make you less mad?" 

"So the only stuff he knows about us is what you told him? That's scary on a lot of levels, dude." Tucker points out. 


"Why? Okay, quick quiz. Who am I?" 

"You're, Captain Flowers right? You're dead. I've been meaning to ask you about that part. Is he like a zombie?" 

"Uh-huh, and who is he?" Tucker gestures to Grif. 

"He's Grif, which is spelled with two "f's"." 

"For the love of-! Okay, now that's another thing!" 

"Caboose was very specific about that second "f"." 

"Yeah, and what about the red guy?" Tucker gestures to Sarge. 

"Well, if he's not Simmons, then I guess he's Sarge. That would make him the gruf and regimented leader of the Red Team." 

"That actually seems pretty-" 

"Just, give him one more second." 

"Which would make him also the captain of their pirate ship." Epsilon adds. 

"There it is." 

"I am a good story teller." Caboose smiles. 

"How are you gonna tell stories? You can't even read stories." Tucker states. 

"I can read!" 

"Caboose is the only guy I know of who had an illustrated field manual. He's a moron." 

[Caboose, where did you get Epsilon?] 

"Oh yeah, see, we were helping Agent Washington take down the Meta, and he told us to save Epsilon. So I thought if he is Church's memories then I can save Church! And now he is here!" 

"Wait a doggone-! You mean to tell me that you never gave that back to the UNSC? That was the deal for getting our new bases numbnuts!" Sarge exclaims. 

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