And Don't Call Me Shirley

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"How's Floaty McGee?" Grif asks before taking a sip from his cantine. Zone was looking over Epsilon, who was lying in the sand. 

"Eh you know, same old. Still not working." Simmons answers. 

"Is he dead?" 

"How would we know? And even if he was, would it make a difference with this guy?" 

"Meh, probably not." 

[You guys have to be the most coldest or the most uncaring people I have ever met.] Zone says standing up. 

"Whatever. Now we've got sand all in his ports. How am I supposed to fix him in an environment like this?" Simmons asks. 

"Sounds like you have sand in your ports." 

"Why did we even come here, it's a freaking desert." 

"I don't know. This is where we were before we came to get you. And where else can we go anyway? There's bad guys at our base and Sarge never wants us to get far from the Blues. I don't know if you've noticed this Simmons, but he's a little obsessed. He still wants to get 'em back in the database so we can kill 'em. How's that goin' by the way? Any progress?" 


"It's your project." 

"I was held captive." Simmons protests. 

"Whatever dude. If Sarge takes that as an excuse for not getting work done let me know. I'll get captured all the time." Grif shrugs. 

[If that happens, I'd love to see how much it'll take to convince dad that we should rescue you.] Zone snickers. 

"Shut up! Who asked you anyway?!" 

"Nope. They're right around this corner up here. Grif and Simmons, right up here, where we're walking." Sarge's voice is heard. 

"Uh oh, here he comes. You're about to get busted." Grif snickers. 

"And you'll see when we get around this corner up here, we don't have any kind of floating device. No balls or spheres or anything." 

"Who's he talking to?" Simmons asks. 

"You'll see, big group of aliens. We don't have anything like that at all." 

"What? Uh-oh." Grif and Zone look at each in realization. 

"Whah? Where am I?" Epsilon says starting to turn back on. 

"Sshhh, dude shut up. Be quiet." Grif orders. 

"No, what-" 

[Church, be quiet, please!] 

"What's happening, how did I get here?" 

[Sorry about this, Epsilon.] Zone grabs Epsilon and drop kicks him away to another part of the desert. 

"Wow, d'you play in football or something?" Grif says impressed at the kick. 

"What're you doing?" Simmons questions. 

"Shut up man, be cool." Grif mutters. 

"Be cool?" 

Sarge then arrives around the corner with the Elites. 

"Whoa! I mean, what's the four-one-one, daddy-o's? Me and my homey were just, hangin' all up in here. Deserts-ville. 'S'all good. You know what I'm sayin', scrillas?" 

[What are you freaking doing?] 

"You told me to be cool." 

"Right. So what are you doing?" Grif asks.

Agent Arizona: RecollectionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz