Check Your Local Listings

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Church walks through the hall and sees Zone and Tex talking. 

"So you back up to a hundred percent yet?" Church asks. 

"Yeah. And whatever I didn't learn from Caboose I've been able to pick up from Zone and the rest of the guys. Didn't take long." Tex shrugs. 

"Yeah we really don't seem to do much." 

"Maybe you should get a hobby. Like knitting." Tex says smirking. 

"We'll look into it." 

"Hey, how did you know how to bring me back?" 

"Honestly I didn't have much choice. I couldn't get you outta my head so I kind of, had to, get you, outta my head." 

[That doesn't sound emo at all.] Zone says sarcastically. 

"Hey, she asked." Church argues. 

"So Zone, care to explain where you've been for the last eight years?" Tex asks crossing her arms. 

[Very long story. After Maine or the Meta, stabbed me and threw me off the cliff, I was laying there. Waiting to embrace death, then I was rescued by Elites.] 

"Elites?" Tex questions. 

[Yeah, turns they were scouting that planet for colonization. And guess who was the leader of them?] 


[Maz'rah, the Zealot we saved from the Insurrection. I was in medical stasis for six years. Guess my injuries were more extensive than I thought. Then they dropped me off at Valhalla were I unexpectedly reunited with my father.] 

"Wait who's your father? Not Sarge." Zone stayed silent as Tex's jaw dropped. "Sarge is your dad?!" 

[Why do I always hear that statement after people find out that he's my father? You know it's not impossible for certain people to have kids.] 

"Yeah well, Sarge is kind of a special case." Church says awkwardly. 

"When I was beatin' the crap out of the Reds, the alarm said it was 'Level Alpha.' Do you know why?" Tex asks. 

Church taps his chin. "You know I didn't think about that, no." 

"Then I want you to have Sheila give me access to the files here." 

 Zone raises an eyebrow. [Why?] 

"Because I'm gonna figure out exactly what they did to me here. I need to know who I am." Tex says determined. 

"I know who you are. You're my girlfriend." Church states. 

"Well, that's probably the most underwhelming description of all time." 

"Hey. Lots of ladies would be happy to be my girlfriend." 

"What other women do you even know?" Tex asks. 

"Um, eyeuh, well there's uh, duhh, that's a-uh, Grif had a sister, she seemed to like me." 

"I wouldn't be too proud of that. She was pretty easy." 

[Yeah, and from what I've been told about her, she is a little (Cuckoo Whistle)] Zone says making a circle with his finger. 

"How do you know she was easy, Tex? You know what, never mind, don't tell me. It's better in my head." Tucker says coming out of nowhere. 

[Where did you even come from?]

"I'm always close by." 

"Hey, can I kill him?" Tex asks. 

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