Chapter One

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New Orleans was a beautiful city all on its own. The parades, the parties and the tourist attractions kept more and more tourists pouring in. It was because the city was known for such events as the parades and constant concerts and the fun anyone would have there, that kept them coming. As beautiful as the city was, none of the tourists knew of the darkness that surrounded the city. They had no knowledge of the horrors that went on right under their noses nor what secrets the city held. The locals -excluding the humans- knew of such secrets and horrors, for they are always somehow involved one way or another.

None of the tourists knew who the Mikaelson family was or what they were capable of. Especially when they were angry or were causing harm to anyone in the name of family. After what happened to Davina Claire, Vincent Griffith, once the French Quarter Regent witch, had made it his mission to keep his community safe from the Mikaelson family. Even though the Mikaelson's have only been back for a few months, after he had decidedly freed Klaus from his five year torment of the Tundi Blade, there hasn't been any sort of problems caused by them.

If he didn't know better, he'd assume that they were trying to keep the peace. But he knew better. Since Marcel defeated the Mikaelson's five years ago, Vincent made it his priority to make sure tourists never got caught up in any of the drama that happened here. He'd been very successful so far and he aimed to continue doing as such.

He just hoped things remained the way they were.


Niall couldn't believe that they were spending their two month vacation in New Orleans. In America. He was ecstatic to be doing so with his bandmates. As much as they went on tour, preforming at concerts in different cities in different countries, he was grateful for such a vacation.

The penthouse that they had rented out ahead of time for the two month period was lavish and had a beautiful view of the city and the river. The interior design was beautiful and sculpted perfectly, reminding him of some of the churches back home in Ireland. The rooms were spacious and already had beds. Perks of renting ahead of time. The kitchen was even bigger and as much as Niall loved food, he was amazed that he didn't care.

At the moment, Niall was sitting crosslegged on his bed, reading a book he had brought with him. He was so into the book that he didn't notice when Harry walked in and startled when he said his name. Niall looked up at his bandmate and best friend, his blue eyes not wavering.

"Harry, hey. You want something?" Niall asked.

Harry nodded, his slightly longer curls bouncing just a bit. "I was just coming to ask if you wanted to go grocery shopping with me. There's a market a couple streets over."

Niall glanced back at his book and nodded. It wasn't like he was doing much anyway and besides he was pretty bored. Looking back at Harry, he smiled and stood up. "Sure. Let's go."

The run to the grocery store was shorter than Niall expected it to be. He was amazed at how quickly Harry found things and put them in the cart, not to mention that Harry knew exactly what he needed to get before they left the penthouse. By the time they had finished and arrived back at the penthouse, it had only been forty-five minutes since they left.

Carrying about five large grocery bags each, Niall and Harry walked up to the penthouse. Harry pulled his key out and unlocked the door, before opening it and walking in. Niall entered after him, shutting the door behind him. On his way to the kitchen he found Liam, Zayn and Louis lounging around in the living room with the tv on.

"Hey guys." Niall said as he passed, earning a chorus of hellos and smiles. Entering the kitchen, he set the bags down on the table and hopped onto the countertop, swinging his legs back and forth. He watched Harry pull items from the bags: chicken, steak, eggs, pancake batter, cereal, milk, potatoes, celery, peppers, cabage, lettuce, tomato, turkey meat, doritos, lays chips, seasonings, cheese etc. As Harry began sorting the food and putting it away, Niall tilted his head.

"So what are you making tonight?"

Harry glanced at him and smiled. "Taco salad."

Niall's eyes brightened considerably at his words. Harry's cooking was great regardless but he made a mean taco salad. As he began humming to himself, Liam walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter Niall was sitting on.

"Judging by the brightness in Niall's eyes and the ingredients layed out on the table, I'd say you're making your famous taco salad, Haz." Liam deduced.

"I most certainly am." Harry threw a smirk over his shoulder.

Liam folded his arms over his chest and said, "Well, I was wondering how you'd feel about going out after dinner to the pier. There's this party happening on a boat."

Niall perked up at the possibility of going to a party and exclaimed, "I wanna go!"

Harry sighed and looked at Liam, then at Niall and grinned. "It's a party. Of course I'm down for it."


Klaus Mikaelson was not the monster most people in the French Quarter thought him to be. How he was with his daughter, Hope, was proof of that. His forgiveness of Marcel's plot to kill his family and holding him in the dungeon chained and daggered for five years, did not come  with an easy conscience. However, the fact still remained that Marcel was still his son and will always be the little boy he rescued from the plantation owner two thousand years ago. And no matter what he did, Klaus would always forgive him.

Speaking of Marcel, Elijah, Freya, Kol, himself and Rebekah were discussing on where they should go from here, having held back the Hollow for the time being. They had to figure out a way to kill Inadu before she broke free later that night of their trap.

"The Hollow is not the only thing that we have to worry about right now." Marcel stated.

Elijah turned to the man, adjusting the cufflink on his suit. "Do you care to elaborate on that statement Marcellus?"

Klaus noted how Marcel hesitated briefly to tell them whatever it was he wanted to and a feeling of parental protectiveness washed over him as he rushed to say, "Whatever it is, you can tell us Marcel."

Marcel stared at Klaus, a look of wariness creeping into his eyes but sighing, the man decided to tell them. "There are rogue bloodthirsty vampires running around in the Quarter, draining tourists and leaving their bodies out in the open." Marcel took a breath and continued. "Now my sources tell me that they are going to this party down at the pier tonight."

"So what if they're going to a party?" Kol scoffed. "What does that have to do with us?"

"Might I remind you that my daughter and your niece resides here and if there are bloodthirsty rougue vamps in the Quarter, then she is not safe?" Klaus spat. Kol met his brothers angry glare and after a few moments he looked away, muttering under his breath.

Marcel, still annoyed, glared at Kol and bit, "There will be tourists as well as locals there. And it's out where there aren't any other people --they're secluded. It'd be--"

"Their own little feeding ground." Rebekah finished for him. "There wouldn't be anyone to help them."

Klaus smirked. "Now that just won't do will it?" Turning to Marcel, he adressed, "Do we know what these insubordinate vamps look like?"

Marcel nodded and showed the the photo Josh had taken of the nine rogue vamps in the Quarter. Klaus looked at his family and smirked once again, if not more devilishly.

"Then let's go crash a party."

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