Chapter Four

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Niall waited until he was sure that the lads were asleep before he snuck out to meet Klaus at Rousseau's. Once he was completely sure that his mates were all conked out, Niall slipped out of his room and down the hall to the foyer. Grabbing the spare key to the penthouse, Niall stepped out to the elevator pressing the button. When the bell dinged and the doors opened, Niall walked in and hit the button for the bottom floor.

Niall was going to walk to Rousseau's because if one of the lads woke up while he was gone, they wouldn't suspect anything if the car was still there. Despite his sneaking out, he didn't have it in him to arrange his pillows and blankets to look like he was still in bed asleep. It felt more wrong and deceitful than sneaking out did.

At the bottom floor, Niall walked out of the elevator and out into the cool night air. As beautiful as this city was, it got chilly at night and shivering, Niall stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets. Walking quickly down the street, he realized that he could just hail a cab but then he remembered that he didn't have any cash on him. Cursing silently to himself, he kept his eyes on his surroundings, closely monitoring anything moving in the shadows. After what happened on the boat, Niall was beginning to get paranoid and he was afraid that something would pop out at him at any given moment.

Maybe walking wasn't such a good idea, Niall thought as something in the corner of his eye moved. Walking faster, he made a mental note not to walk by himself at night again considering he didn't get caught by Liam and Harry. Those two were like angry parents when he did something wrong and would be on him in an instant. Zayn and Louis didn't really care much but knowing them, if they had any kind of idea what he was doing, they'd probably take a belt to his arse. That was how much they cared and that was how much Niall was beginning to regret this.

Turning a corner, Niall was surprised to see a lot of people crowding the street and saw his destination. Across the street was Rousseau's, buzzing lively with loads of people drinking and laughing and dancing with music that made Niall's head spin. Looking both ways, he crossed the street and stood in front of the bar pondering if he should go in or just leave. Should he leave?

Shaking his head, Niall glanced down at the time displayed on his phone. Seven thirty on the dot. There was no backing out now. Taking a deep breath, Niall squared his shoulders and walked into the bar, telling himself to be ready for whatever happened tonight.

The inside of the bar was even more decorative than he could ever have imagined. The interior design was just exquisite and he had no words for how furnished the place looked despite how old it was, which was saying a lot. Niall scanned the crowd for Klaus as he walked closer to the bar, trying to spot the man beforehand with no such luck. At first.

By the time he reached the bar, Niall spotted Klaus sitting there with his back to him and he found his heart picking up speed at the mere thought of seeing the man again. Of being close to the man. For the last two days, Niall has been trying to wrap his head around his possible attraction for the man as well as what he saw. He opened his mouth to speak, unsure of what he would even say.

And then Klaus turned around to face him, that half smirk/half smile making him look more attractive and Niall's voice caught in his throat and all that came out was a noise. "Niall, what a pleasure it is to see you again."

Niall blinked and closing his mouth, he pulled himself together. "K-Klaus. H-hi, uh . . ."

Klaus smirked and waved to the stool beside him. "Please, have a seat."

Niall smiled shyly and sat down next to the man he was sure wasn't even human. They sat in silence while watching the bartender, Josh, make drinks for the customers. Some of the drinks contained a red substance that Niall couldn't place but he had a vague feeling it would have a lot to do with what he'd find out tonight. It was time to find out the truth.

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