Chapter Eight

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The next few weeks after the incident, Niall and his friends were out camping in the woods, or as it was properly named, the bayou. It wasn't an ideal way to spend time with his best friends but it sent him down memory lane. The first time they all went camping, none of them other than Zayn knew how to set up a tent. It was funny really, at least Niall thought so.

Niall had already set his tent up with Zayn's help and he was now watching as the other three lads struggled to put their own tents together. Smiling fondly, Niall thought about how so much had changed in just six weeks. He was dating a hybrid and his friends were half angel/half human fighting machines, and he knew of the supernatural now.

There was no way that anyone would ever believe something like this unless they saw it with their own eyes. Niall was fortunate to have been born with an open mind and a curiosity trait, that always left him asking questions. It was a blessing honestly but it was also a curse.

At the moment, Niall was thinking really hard about meeting Klaus' daughter and Hayley. It had been brought up the last time he'd seen the hybrid and for a fleeting moment, Niall had a thought that he was just messing with him but when he'd looked at the older male, his eyes held an intense look. Things between Niall and Klaus were indeed getting more serious and now he was nervous, wondering if Hope or even Hayley would even like him. From what Klaus had told him, Hope was now in her early teens and going to a normal school in Mystic Falls.

And teenagers did not like people. Niall knew that from being one himself.

At some point while he was lost in his thoughts, the other boys had finished setting up their tents and were now trying to put a campfire together. Niall looked up when he heard his name being called; seeing Zayn waving him over he shook his head, not really wanting to get up.

Niall couldn't really understand why so many people wanted Klaus and his family dead. They were decent people, or vampires, and they only attacked when provoked. Sure, Klaus had done some pretty shifty and stupid things that can never be forgiven but when you paint someone as a monster, you pave a way for them to fill that role. So, in complete and utter honesty, Niall thought that Klaus was just as much a victim as everyone else.

Klaus had a heart and if he didn't, he never would have taken Marcel in by saving him from slavery, he wouldn't have cared at all for his daughter, and he damn sure wouldn't have come to Niall's rescue when he called or on the boat.

"What are you thinking about, Ni?" Harry asked, coming to sit next to him.

Startled, Niall flinched and took a deep breath to calm his heart and nerves as he looked at the cheshire lad. "Klaus wants me to meet Hope and Hayley."

Niall watched as surprise crossed Harry's face as he stared at him, mouth agape. "He wants you to meet his daughter?!"

Niall's face turned a deep shade of pink as he nodded, covering his face with his hands. He didn't know why he was feeling this way, he shouldn't be feeling embarrassed because it was a good thing. Wasn't it? Or were they moving too fast?

"Looks like he's really serious with you, Nialler." Zayn said, having over heard the conversation and sat down on the chair across from the campfire.

"What if she doesn't like me?" Niall asked softly, his voice sounding slightly off. Pulling his legs up onto the chair and his knees to his chest, he wrapped his arms around them, hugging them tightly. "I mean, she's not much younger than me and generally everyone likes me, but this is Klaus' daughter we're talking about."

Liam snorted. "Niall, there's no need to worry. If Klaus likes you, then Hope will too."

Niall huffed loudly and rolled his eyes at his friend. "Just because Klaus likes me, doesn't mean she will. It isn't as if it's a given. She's her own person and she's fifteen. Fifteen!"

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