Chapter Two

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Niall had never been more excited for a party before. Even as the five of them walked down the pier toward the end where the boat was, ready to take off, Niall was impatient. He walked behind Harry and Zayn, who were behind Liam and Louis. Liam had his arm slung over Louis' shoulders as they walked.

As they strode down the pier, Niall took the time to look around. There were lightbulbs on either side of the pier, lighting up the dock and making the scenery beyond look almost unreal. To his left and right there was water and darkness, something that even he didn't want to admit to still being afraid of. Especially if he was alone. There were more people ahead boarding the boat, which already had music blaring and lights flashing.

The party had already started.

"You ready for this, Niall?" Zayn asked the dyed blond haired lad as they neared the boarding walk.

"Hell yeah I am! Let's party!" Niall shouted and ran ahead of his friends, sprinting up the walk before disappearing into the party. He didn't turn to see if they followed his example by running because by the time he realized that it was too crowded inside, he had already bumped into a few people. Yelling that he was sorry over the music, he went out to the deck, which was fairly empty save for a dozen stragglers. He heard the four others before he saw them and turned grinning widely.

With the music inside blaring loudly, Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn began dancing around, singing and the whole nine.

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Niall eventually strayed from his group of friends in search of some refreshments about an hour into the party

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Niall eventually strayed from his group of friends in search of some refreshments about an hour into the party. Entering the party again, Niall pushed his way through the mass of bodies trying to find the bar or something. It was really hard trying to get past the crowd of dancing people and it was frustrating.

God, why can't navigating a party be easy? Niall thought. Shoving his way past a particularly stubborn person, which unfortunately resulted in him stumbling into someone else who was passing by, knocking the drink the man had been holding all over his shirt.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry about this!" Niall exclaimed, looking around for something to clean the mess but he couldn't find anything. Past the man was the bar and by it, a bathroom. "I'm so fucking sorry!"

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