Chapter Six

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Niall woke up slow. He felt sore all over and yet refreshed as if he'd taken a nice hot shower before going to bed. There were a few harrowing seconds where he didn't remember what happened and when it came back to him, it hit him like a tsunami and he sat up fast, looking around the room frantically.

"You are safe, love. There is nothing for you to be frightened of." Klaus' voice had startled him and he looked up at the Original hybrid, his blue eyes full of confusion.

"I-I don't..." Niall trailed off, his eyes scanning the room. It was designed to be something from the Victorian Age and he found himself drawn to every crevasse and crease in the room. The room was beautiful in decor and it was pretty spacious. It kind of reminded him of some of the landmarks back home in Ireland that he loved so much.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Klaus said, the ghost of a smirk playing across his lips as he watched the boy's reaction intently. Niall didn't respond, instead choosing to look at him with a look of confusion and awe.

"How did I get here?" Niall questioned.

"Ah." Klaus moved from his position and sat on the bed while Niall pushed himself up so that his back and head were resting on the head board of the bed, the duvet clutched in his fingers where they pooled around his waist.

"The accident was bad, love. I don't know how you did it in your condition, but you managed to call me." Klaus explained. "Of course when I recieved the call, I was very inclined to reach you as fast as I could. When we got there, you woke up and told me that a man, had been responsible for the crash."

Niall noted how Klaus' voice had changed considerably, the light careless tone replaced by a darker undertone that promised something more than a simple confrontation when he found the man responsible.

Niall managed a faint smile as he looked at the hybrid with gratitude and adoration. "I suppose that you brought me here and healed me, which would explain my perfect health and lack of injuries."

Klaus offered him a smile in return, simply nodding. "You are correct. You're friends have also been healed by my siblings."

Niall blinked in surprise and a wave of guilt washed over him. He hadn't even thought of the others since his moment of waking. "Really? I can't believe none of them crossed my mind! I have to see them!"

Niall jumped out of the bed, or at least he tried. The bed sheets under the duvet had tangled with his legs and he realized his mistake a second too late as he went tumbling---straight into Klaus' arms. With his hands pressed against Klaus' broad chest, his face inches away from the hybrid's; their lips just a breadth away from touching, eyes staring into the others', neither one daring to breathe, Niall noted that this was the most awkward thing that could possibly happen.

His heart began to race when Klaus' eyes flickered down to his lips and back up to his eyes, before he started to lean in. Niall's eyes fluttered shut, not moving and waiting. He felt the briefest brush of Klaus' lips before the sound of the door opening made Klaus step back and Niall open his eyes. Standing in the doorway was Elijah, Klaus' older brother.

"I hope I am not intruding on anything, but the other boys are asking for Niall." The well-dressed vampire said.

Klaus smiled, although it seemed kind of forced. "Then we shall not keep them waiting."


To say the least, the lads were worried shitless. The moment Niall had entered the room, he was nearly tackled to the floor by the four boys, who wrapped their arms around him in a tight embrace. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Elijah speaking quietly to Klaus, who was smiling fondly at Niall's predicament.

When the boys let go of the blond irish lad, he was near the point of calmly but sternly telling them that they were crushing him in their group hug.

"We were so worried! When we woke up and you weren't here, we thought..." Harry trailed off, looking down at the floor.

Zayn rubbed the back of his neck and agreed. "Yeah. All we remember is the twat in the middle of the what the fuck was he even doing?!"

"I...don't know." Niall decided to tread carefully, unsure of how much they already knew or how they'd handle the truth. Niall felt a presence behind him and he smiled at the familiarity of the hand on his shoulder before beaming at his friends. "Guys, this is Klaus. He's the one I wanted to invite today."

Zayn immediately narrowed his eyes at the vampire, making himself very intimi-dating. Niall wondered if he'd make a hot vampire too...not...that he wasn't hot already or anything or that he was into him because COME ON. Zayn was his best friend, he couldn't think of him like that. Right? Specially not when he liked Klaus.

"The same Klaus that saved you that night on the boat?"

Niall's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open slightly, surprised by Zayn's outright accusation. The other male had his arms crossed and was looking at him in a condescending fashion. The other three lads were just as distrustful and wary as Zayn.

Recovering quickly, Niall made a face. "What are you talking about?"

"Niall, the man is a vampire. We know." Louis stated.

"What? B-but how?" Niall stammered, looking back and forth between his best friends and the Mikaelsons.

"Because they're Nephilim." Elijah spoke suddenly.

"They're what?" Niall frowned.

"Half angel, half human." Rebekah started to explain. "They hunt down things like us who break their stupid rules. Although, they've been known to shy away from Originals. Too afraid to come after us."

"Hardly." Liam scoffed. "You've been allies since the beginning. That's the ONLY reason your family isn't eliminated yet."

"Is that a threat?" Kol growled.

"Do you want it to be?" Liam shot back.

Niall stood frozen where he was, his brain straining as he tried to grasp what this all meant. His friends that he had known for most of his life were definitely NOT who he thought they were and not one of them said anything. He could understand why but he didn't like it. His friends were a bunch of badass monster killing half angel/human machines.

And had been for the past three years and before.

The bickering in the background was beginning to grate on his nerves and he closed his eyes trying to block them out but no point when they just got louder. Finally having enough he opened his eyes and put himself in between the two groups, flinging his arms out.

"Everyone stop and SHUT UP!!!" Niall got looks of surprise from everyone, including Klaus, as they stopped yelling. "You guys are acting like a bunch of children who need to be put in time out! We have more important things to focus our energy on!"

Niall knew his face was red from frustration and anger and tried to take deep breaths. Shutting his eyes, Niall started humming to calm himself and when he opened his eyes, Zayn and the others were apologizing to him.

"Sorry Niall."

Niall pinched the bridge of his nose, dropping onto the bed sighing. "It's fine. I shouldn't have yelled."

"Am I the only one who thinks he looks sexy when he's angry?" Kol asked.

Despite the tension in the room everyone laughed after a moment of silence while Niall blushed.

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