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Steam wafted inside the bathroom as Baekhyun let the hot water from the shower wash over his body. He closed his eyes and let it prickle on his skin, loosening up the tension of his muscles instead of feeling the pain. Random thoughts played inside his mind and he tried not to let it wander to something he had been obsessing over the past years.

His pale white skin was starting to turn red due to the hot shower so he turned it off and reached out for his towel to dry himself. Tucking it around his waist, he faced the mirror and shook his head a little. He watched as the water droplets trailed down his skin before staring at his catatonic face. It was his first day after transferring to that university and he had to make an impression which was in accordance with his plans. He hoped that things would go his way – no, cross that – things should go the way he wanted it to be.

Baekhyun started for the door and turned the knob to get out, but not before quickly wearing the friendly air around him. His roommate, Park Chanyeol, was already waiting outside for his turn with an impatient frown on his face.

"What the hell, Byun Baekhyun, you've been inside for almost an hour! I thought you already drowned or burned yourself inside!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

"Sorry. Got a little carried away." Baekhyun flashed him an unapologetic smile and brushed the strands of his wet, black hair as he walked past his roommate.

"You look like you're modeling for some bathroom product or something. You don't need to keep up that flashy act around me." Chanyeol rolled his eyes.

"I'm not keeping up an act; I'm just too dashing." Baekhyun retorted airily.

"Yeah, right." His roommate snorted sarcastically. "You can go to class first. I think I'm going to take an hour-long bath, too."

"I wasn't even thinking of waiting for you. I'm not one to waste time."

"Fuck you."



Classes had already started at the university two weeks prior to that day but Baekhyun just transferred a few days ago as a sophomore student majoring in a business course. It wasn't easy getting in that prestigious school if the person didn't start there since freshman year so it took some time for him. Thankfully, he had done exceptionally well at his previous school so they admitted him. But of course, everything was according to his plans.

The lectures hadn't started yet so students were still lingering about at the corridors of the campus when he got out of the boys' dorm. People gave him curious looks as he passed by – fingers pointing discreetly and hushed whispers of curiosity over the new guy. Only the best individuals could get accepted there so the number of students were not many, making them know almost everyone, so they were surprised to see a new face around at the third week of class.

Baekhyun smirked to himself inwardly. Just the reaction he wanted it to be. Well, how could someone not notice him with his looks and charisma? He walked with that air of careful confidence, something he had practiced over the years. He sent an amiable smile at a girl who was blatantly staring at him and he caught the flushed look on her face before she quickly turned away.

At last he reached the second floor of the arts and sciences building where his first class, Ethics, would be. Heads instantly turned to him when he stepped inside the classroom. Almost all of the seats were occupied even though the professor wasn't there yet. He plastered a genial smile on his lips as his eyes scanned the room for a vacant seat.

He found one at the fourth row of the second column. He sauntered his way there but stopped first in front of a girl who was sitting at the left side. "Excuse me, is this seat taken?" He called to take her attention away from the book she was reading and gestured at the vacant seat.

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