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A searing pain that shot through his head woke Baekhyun up that morning. He forced his eyes to open but instantly closed them again when the sunlight that streamed through the window almost blinded him. He tried to recall what happened last night that made him feel so exhausted early in the morning. After a few moments, he remembered that he was at Kris' party and he met Yoojin. She gave him a beer bath, he kissed her just to get back at her and then he came to the realization that Yoojin didn't really know him.

He finally opened his eyes and he wasn't that surprised to see another body lying next to him in bed. He was so angry last night that his frustration at Yoojin eventually became sexual frustration and he made out with the next female he saw last night.

Baekhyun sighed mentally as he got up and picked his scattered clothes on the floor. He knew he was going to regret this one night stand if this girl ended up being the clingy type. He noticed the red scratches on his arms and groaned. If he could remember anything about his escapade last night, it was probably that the girl had very sharp nails; there were probably marks on his back, too.  He should be more careful of choosing girls in the future.

He was in the middle of pulling up his pants when the girl stirred from her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled flirtatiously when she saw him. "Leaving so soon? That's too bad. I had fun last night." Her voice was laced with drowsiness but he could hear her suggestive tone.

Well, I didn't. "I still have somewhere to go." He tried to sound indifferent so that she would get the hint that it was just a onetime thing.

"Take care then. I still need some sleep." She said in a muffled voice, her face already buried on the pillows.

As he went for the door and got out of the room, he realized that he was still at Kris' place. He felt apologetic that he used the guy's house as a motel but dismissed the idea since he was sure he wasn't the only one. Just as he closed the door, he saw the owner of the house climbing up the stairs.

Kris' hair was unruly; his shirt unbuttoned, leaving his toned chest open for everyone to see and with a milk carton on his hand. "Oh, you're still here. Hope you enjoyed the party." He spoke in a deep voice that sounded through the silence of the house.

"It was great." Baekhyun answered politely, even though he was fucking pissed last night. "I didn't see you the entire night though."

Kris smirked upon hearing his response. "I was a bit busy."

Baekhyun then noticed the red marks on Kris' neck and chest. "I think I could see why."

The owner of the house chuckled curtly before fishing something from his pockets. "Chanyeol left already so take my car to go back to the dorms." He tossed the keys to Baekhyun who caught it effortlessly. "Just drive carefully or I'll kill you if you get it scratched."

"Thanks." He hooked the keys on his fingers and suddenly wondered why Kris was letting Baekhyun borrow his car. Kris wasn't exactly the type to be accommodating. "What's the catch?" He suddenly blurted out.

Kris raised an eyebrow at him but he looked amused. "Nothing. Just being a gracious host." Baekhyun snorted at his answer. "Well, let's just say it's thanks for your stunt last night."

Baekhyun furrowed his brows. "Stunt?"

"Everyone saw how you kissed the tyrant last night. It was the first time that someone ever dared to do that to her. Some even saw her crying as she left the party. You have guts." Kris smirked at him. "Well, it's about time someone taught her a lesson. Never liked that bitch."

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