Ch. 1-Dream Destroying Alarms!

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I wake up from my 1Derful dream-that's what me and my friends, Dahlia and Sora call dreams featuring the boys-and am annoyed that I have to face another day of humans at school instead of finishing my dream with the 5 angels. Basically, in the dream, I was next door neighbors with the boys of One Direction. They were so nice and so corteous-did I mention they spent much of the time shirtless? ;). And in the span of 30 minutes (3 weeks in the dream time), I had gotten Harry, my favourite of the 5 wonderful lads, to fall in love with me. I don't know how or why but he did. And it had started to get to the good part, his arms around me with his beautiful green eyes staring down at me and JUST as he was going to kiss me with those kissable lips of his, my darn alarm woke me up. 6 am on the dot.

I glare at it's blinking numbers as it irritatingly wakes me up from the life I wish was mine. But no. I'm stuck in Virginia. In 10th grade at some nerdy school. With no one but my few friends to help get me through this boring life. Virginia isn't like London. It's not bustling with life. It's not like Wolverhampton. Wasn't lucky enough to say Liam James Payne grew up in it. Not like Bradford, which could brag about it's BadBoi, Zayn Malik. Or Mullingar, home to the Nialler. Not Doncaster, where the sassiest man alive, Louis William Tomlinson, hailed from. Not even Holmes Chapel, where Harry was from. No. It was just normal and boring. And in America. 

I shuffle out of my queen-sized bed and stomp over to my bathroom, to glare at my reflection in the mirror. I take a quick shower and feel awake and refreshed :D ready for the day ahead. x( I talk to myself about my dream as I shove a clean tee and some skinnies on. I smile as I let my red curly hair <> tumble out of the ponytail I slept in and comb it out to straighten it as best as I could. After accepting the fact it would never look the way it did when I got it done, I run down the stairs and shove a muffin in my hand as I walk out the door to catch the bus.

Little did I know I would've liked to finish that dream a lot more when I came to school to learn an appauling fact: my friend, Jessica <>, would be curious as to what my dream was about and why I was so happy about it. Problem is, she hates One Direction yet won't admit it to herself.

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