Ch. 5-My Name is Alise, And I'm A 1Derholic

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I have been trying to forget the day in "1Derland" for weeks, but somehow find my feet leading me to the forest everyday as I walk home, even if it adds 10 mins to my daily trek.

But today, last Friday of the month, I find myself pulling Sora into the forest.

I start to drag her more into the weird forest, but she stops me. Laughing, she says "Wait, you want to go to 1Derland?"

I nod, embarrased. "Maybe...:/"

"You miss Harry, don't you?" she teases. "You want him to kiss you again?" In my needing to tell someone about the encounter, I told Sora about the kiss, and not one chance has passed without her teasing me about it.

"No," I say as I blush, just like the 5 million other times.

She smirks. "We'll go tomorrow," she says, steering me out of the forest.

"Why tomorrow?" I ask, desperately reaching towards the weird magical forest as if one of Harry's massive hands would pop out, taking me back to 1Derland.

"We'll have more time tomorrow," she says, struggling to pull me away.

I sigh, letting her pull me. "Fine."


I wake up with a smile on my face. I jump out of bed, and after brushing my teeth, I walk over to Sora's.  "C'mon Sora! We have to go!" I say, impatiently once she finally gets out of her house.

"You seem very excited to see Harry," she smirks and then mutters something under her breath.

"What?" I ask, curious. Maybe she'll explain that "or" thing to me.

">D Nothing," she just grabs my hand and pulls me toward the forest.

"Can I try this time?" I ask, once we're under the weird atmosphere of the forest.

She shrugs, but nods. "Of course."

I walk through the forest, looking for the gate and minutes pass and I have no idea if we're still even in the right place. "Umm...Sora?"

"Just keep walking."

"o.o" I follow her instructions and stil find nothing. I start to notice the change in the color of the sky (it's now that greenish blue color from before). "Sora?"

She sighs and pulls me a few more paces, stopping in front of the gate that seconds ago I could not see. "Not so hard, Alise."

I lower my head and hear the gate creak open, silently. 

"C'mon Alise. Off to 1Derland," Sora smiles as we walk in, the gate closing behind us.


"SORA!" Louis runs to Sora again and I wonder why they're such good friends. "Alise," he now turns to me, a wide smile on his face.

I allow myself to be hugged and truly start to feel at home in this We break the hug and I see Harry look up. Despite wanting to ask him questions, I keep quiet and just observe everything. 

"It's so great that you came back," Liam smiles as he walks towards me, arms wide open.

"We thought you didn't enjoy 1Derland," Zayn says, now joining the hug.

Sora laughs slightly and I take the moment to glare at her.

They all go back to their regular stances and then smile. "Well, enjoy your stay," and then walk off into the fog.

"Sora-" I turn to look at her and see she's gone, with Niall, I can now see. But then I remember Niall was with the boys and am confused again. Shrugging, I walk off into the foginess and see the Castle again in all it's glory. "Such a cool place this is," I say, looking around as I observe the changes once again. It's a nice sunny day out, the grass seems to always be green, everything's wonderfully perfect.

"Alise!" I hear that deep voice again.

I turn around. "Harry," and smile against my will as his arms slip around my waist.

"I thought you abandoned me!" he says, pouting adorably.

I shake my head, my red curls practically blurring my sight of this perfect human. "I could never abandon you!"

"Good, because the boys have been worried," he now grabs my hand.

"The boys?!" But I just saw them? They weren't that worried....."Can I see them?" I ask, curiously. I wonder if they'll look the same as from the dream.

All of a sudden, I hear a voiceover like voice-which sounds exactly like Harry-say "Close your eyes, Alise."

I look around, only to see Harry-Dream Harry, I'll call him now-smile at me. "Did you hear something?"

He just flips that hair of his. "No," he says, confused.

I must be going crazy! "Close your eyes, Alise. Please~~" the voiceover pleads.

I sigh and close my eyes. I feel a whooshing sensation and when I open my eyes, I' my house? Not my house, per se. The house from my dream. I'm now opening the door and the boys are here. All dressed from my dream. Just imagine them all bundled warm. Like this:

"ALISE!" Louis' the first to spring on and hug me. 

"YOU'RE BACK!" Niall laughs as he joins the hug.

"WE MISSED YOU!" Zayn says as he and Liam run to hug me.

I allow myself to be hugged and laugh when Harry joins the group hug, as if he didn't see me seconds ago. How did I get here, anyway? 


"Close your eyes, Alise. Please~~" I say, pleading with her to oblige.

She does as told and goes whizzing off.

"You fancy her, don't you?" Louis teases as I sit the microphone down.

"What are you talking about?" I continue watching the cameras to see if any of the other girls need guidance.

" just seem to keep your eye on her," he smirks as he watches his cameras.

I push my hair back a bit. "I do not....Her hair just interests me a bit."

He just laughs. "If you say so."

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