Chapter 5

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Sorry about the wait, my updates will still be a bit spotty for the next month or so. I will still try to update though!

"Now what?" Peter wondered. Three of the four Pevensie siblings stood around the bed.

"We can't leave him here, should he regain his memories the wizards will believe he is crazy and lock him up in Saint Mungo's." Lucy stated.

"We need someone with at least basic medical knowledge, someone that we can trust and is able to handle him when he is more recovered." Peter laid out their requirements.

"Maybe Glozelle?" Peter thought off before dismissing the idea for the time being. "No, he probably doesn't have the best bedside manner. With Caspian he'd either be too hard or too soft."

"And we aren't sure about how much if any medical training he has received in the military in Narnia." Lucy added.

"Susan could do it." Edmund suggested after another moment.

"Edmund, that's brilliant!" Lucy beamed.

"Ed, Luce, that's a great idea and all, but what makes you two think that Susan will leave her medical studies to care for someone she claims doesn't exist?" Peter pointed out.

Edmund and Lucy grinned identical mischievous grins. "She doesn't have to know exactly who it is."


Dearest Susan,

                       Someone I am well acquainted with has been injured and lost their memory. They have received wizardry medical aid, however, the wizarding world has a severe lack of knowledge when it comes to aiding those who experience memory problems and to place them under muggle care would put them in danger of beings sent to a mental institution.

                     Perhaps you would be willing to care for them until they can make a recovery to the point where they can be on their own?

                                                                                                                                       Your Valiant Sister,    Lucy


"How's that?" Lucy asked her brothers who nodded in satisfaction.

"Well done Luce." Peter commended.

"But how will we send it?" Edmund rose the question as Little Ellie was not present.

"We'll have to see if we can borrow Dad's." Lucy shrugged.

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