Chapter 8

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Susan stared at the castle that was Hogwarts. It was beautiful, though not as beautiful as the last one she had seen, Cair- NO! This was the first castle she had ever seen in person and she was so excited!

"Susan!" Lucy called out as she ran to her, and took a large bag from Susan's grasp.
"Lucy! It's wonderful to see you! I'm sorry we couldn't be together for your birthday."

"I am as well, however, we are together now and that's what counts." Lucy cheerfully led Susan towards the castle. "A cottage is being prepared for you and your new patient, away from the hustle and bustle that the school will be when classes resume, but for now you'll be staying in the castle."

They entered and grand castle and were headed  up the main staircase when Rakr appeared to take Susan's bags to her temporary room.
"Hello Rakr. Thank you for the help."

Susan frowned. At first glance, 'Rakr' reminded her of the goblins that followed the Whi-No... "What was that?" Susan questioned once Rakr disappeared.

"Rakr is my father's house elf. House elves are commonly employed by witches and wizards as servants." Lucy explained.

Susan nodded in acceptance.

"This is the school hospital. Madame Pomfrey is out right now, collecting herbs or something, so now would be a good time to meet him as Madame Pomfrey gets...protective of those in her case and doesn't like others messing  with things. The transfer of responsibility probably won't be official until you two are moved to the cottage." Lucy informed her.

Susan nodded again before pushing open the doors.

Susan eked, backed up, and ran...

Sorry that it's so short!

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