Remdy- Feeding time

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What's up you guys!

I forgot who asked for this, but someone wanted a vampire Remdy.

Now that leave a lot of potential for a good fic.

Hope you guys enjoy, and as always leave some prompts!

Lets get into the story!


**Remington's P.O.V**

   Andy ran a quick hand through my hair, giggling at me. I glare at him from my burrito wrap of blankets. Despite our black out curtains, and litterally no sun light in the house, it felt nice to cover up.

   "The sun doesn't even kill you! You just get a sun burn unless you wear sun screen." He exclaims,teasing me. I stick my tongue out at him and feel my stomach growl. Andy sighs and rubs my shoulder. "Come on buddy. Feeding time." He says.

   Andy was my food source. I was a vampire, as most were in this world. Andy loved me though, and he was the one I fed from. I didn't really like doing it, but if I didn't I'd have to hunt.

   And that was the worst.

   I unwrap from the blanket, and Andy sits me on his lap, moving his head and exposing his neck. My stomach snarls, and out comes my fangs. He shivers, and holds my arms down. I always managed to never take to much from him, mostly because he would hold my arms down and if I went to far he ripped me off by the scruff of my neck.

   "Thanks Andy." I whisper, sniffing along his neck and snarling. I sink my teeth into his neck, and start drinking.

**Time skip**

   "Andy! Eat your fucking cookie before I spank you!" I scold. After feeding, I always became myself again. Talking, happy, and most importantly, taking care of Andy. Andy took care of me a lot, working around my needs with no problem. Dating a vampire wasn't easy, but he never seemed to care much about that.

   When I could, I treated him like a God damn king.

   Andy sips at his orange juice, and whines.

   "Shut up, meanie." He whines, wincing when I take off the bandages on his neck. 

   "You heal fast... Even with my help its impressive." I say, kissing his head. I take his glass and sit in front of him, feeding him bites of cookies and ice cream. 

   "That's a good boy... Yeah.. Good boy." I coo softly, grinning at his blushing little face. "Don't you shy away from me,little human..." I coo softly at him. He giggles and snuggles up to my chest. He snuggles closer, and kisses my lip.

   "You are so warm... Mmmm..." He whispers and climbs into my lap yawning tiredly. 

   "Your still a bit cold darling." I whisper, pulling him so close there was no room between us. Andy started giggling and, he relaxed even more. He seemed tired, but calm, but I didn't want him to sleep just yet. I made him stay up two hours after a feeding, making sure he was stable again.

   "Stay up my sweet darling." I coo softly and bounce him up and down.He opens his pretty eyes again, and pouts as furiously as he could. It was adorable.

   "Sorry baby, but you know the rules." I say, patting his back and pulling him against me. "My poor darling. Sleepy boy. Here, drink your OJ baby boy." I whisper. He sips his juice, and then pulls his head away, pressing close. "Alright.. You can sleep sweetie."

   He was out like a light.

   I lay out with Andy on my chest, watching my beautiful boy.

   "God I'm so lucky to have you." I whisper, smiling happily. I really was.


Well I hope you guys liked this chapter!

As always leave prompts!

Thank you for reading!

Love you guys!

Bye bye!

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