1~Peter parker

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Peter Parker always caught your attention and he was the perfect mix of nerdy and cute.  You really needed help in science class and your teacher recommended peter to help you. Peter invited you to come over after eight since he had to report for Spider-Man duty. You were nervous since he was so cute and you decided to show up half an hour early just because. You knocked on the door and a pretty woman answered the door and introduced as his aunt may. You didn't feel it was your place to ask what happened to his parents so she let you in and said he would be home soon.

You sat down on his bed bunk and admired his room. It was pretty cool and geeky but you loved it. You decided to chill for a while on your phone. Suddenly the window opens and Spider-Man is on the roof and he doesn't notice you until he falls, shuts the door and turns around seeing you on his bed.

"Y-your s-Spiderman!" You breathe out.

"No I'm not! No I'm not!" He says his suit falling off him and showing off his body.
It took all of you to not check him out. Who knew that that was hiding under a nerdy sweatshirt.

"Please don't tell anyone!" He said begging you.

"I won't." 

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