22~Thomas pt.2

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Thomas couldn't help but to stare at you while newt and alby went to talk to you or question you profusely as if you were a dangerous person but you could be when you wanted to.

"Thomas? Are you even listening?" Chuck asked waving his hand in front of him.

"Huh? Did you say something?"

"Why are staring at Y/n?"

"Umm I wasn't," he said looking down.

"Yes you were!" He gasps "You like her!"

"What?! No I don't!"

"Yes you do! You have drool on your shirt."

"Whatever," I mutter.

It was true, he really did like you. He only talked to you for a few minutes but he felt that he could talk to you about anything. You felt the exact same about him. Not to mention he was extremely cute.

"Y/n!" A voice yelled.

You turned around and saw Chuck waving you over here while Thomas, who was next to him, was blushing red and whispering something in Chuck's ear that made his eyes fill with fear but then he brushed it off.

You told Alby and Newt that you would talk to them later and walked over in their direction. Thomas' face was tomato red when you both made eye contact and you felt your face heating up as well.

"What's up?" You said standing infront of them. Thomas' eyes wouldn't leave from your face.

"Well we just wanted to ask if you would like to eat lunch with us?" Chuck asked but he had a different plan.

"Okay yeah that sounds like fun," you sais with a smile and Thomas found you even more beautiful if that was possible.

"Great see you then!" Chuck sais before walking off hauling Thomas with him and you started walking in the opposite direction but you couldn't help but look over your shoulder to sneak a look over at him but instead of seeing his back you were met with his eyes.

And suddenly, you didn't want to go back.

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