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Addiction is a strange thing. Wether it be good or bad, addiction is kind of hard to explain to those who have never been addicted to something, Not fully anways. Its funny how people see it so black and white. Its so much more complex then just feeling the need to smoke a ciggeret every few hours. (Which of course i tend to do.)
I say this because i myself have been addicted to all sorts of things. The good, the bad, the yet un decided. One of these things being YouTube. Something I live for.
I think about these things often while walking to work while smoking a ciggeret, a bad addiction as many would describe.

I tend to smoke while walking because i live in London where it is often cold like today. I can feel the cold air nip at my nose but the nicotine takes the slight pinge of pain the cold gives when your in it to long away as the warm smoke seeps into my lungs, shortening my life just a little bit with each puff.

"You should really quit those you know." I hear as i round the corner coming up to my place of work.

"Well im gonna die anyway so what ya gonna do ya know ?" I say with a chuckle as i punch my coworkers arm.

"Ready for today mate? Its gonna be a long one."

"Depends on why its gonna be a long day i suppose." I say to chris as we walk inside to open up shop.

"Well its cold out and everyone loves a good cup of hot coffee when they are trudging through the snow, ya know there's suppose to be a storm comin in later today." Chris says as he goes around the corner to put on his apron and throws me mine as well.

"Idk we arent a starbucks. People normally go there when its cold dont they?" I say nudging Chris after i flip the sign to say we are open. I only say thing like these to mess with him. His dad owns the shop and soon he will.

"I guess we will see wont we."

I ignore him and start making myself a sweet coffee, another one of my addictions... coffee.

" we should put up a sign saying coffee is good for the soul." I say randomly just kind of thinking out loud.
Chris throws me some chalk and a eraser pointing at the sign sitting by the door with out saying a word.
I think i spent a little longer than i would have liked to admit, trying to make the sign look nice. Most people would just write the words down and be done with it but i always loved being in charge of the signs, i loved putting a little creativity into it. This time i whipped out the colorful chock and drew a nice hot coffee and the bottom of the board and propped it up to greet people as they walk by.

I start to walk away as i hear the bell ring indicating the door opening.

"Ha. Coffees good for the soul." I turned around to a young man say to himself smiling. For some reason I feel like I recognize him.
I quickly run behind the counter as chris was in the back making sure the delivery truck brought everything he ordered.
The the man walks up to the counter and starts to say something right as i ask him if i could get him anything. I realize I do recognize him.. it's phil, amazing phil, a YouTubed I often watch.

"Oh im sorry go ahead" i say laughing a little, i see he laughs a long with me.

"Um.... just give me a hot chocolate with extra whip cream please! Make it a large" he says with a smile.

"Of course and what is your name?" I say as to not weird him out by letting him know I already know darn well what his name is.
He stops for a minute curious as to why i asked.

"For the drink?"
"Oh haha sorry my name is phil" he says poking his toung out a bit.

"Alrighty phil that will be right out for u. On the house." I say smiling.
I turn around to start making him his drink as he stands there watching.

"So phil, how u handling the weather?" I say trying to make small talk.

"Its different i guess. I just moved here."

"Ah new comer, where are u from?" I asked trying to sound curious although I already know. It's surprising now that I think about it how much I know about him.

" well i was from Manchester but I felt like a change was needed you know?"

" oh thats cool, and ya I get it, my family and I moved here from liver pool." I say smiling.

" oh I've been there before. It's nice!" He says, I already know, he had a meet and greet. I was there.

I turn around to grab his coco and start putting whip cream. I look up at him and tell him to say when as i start unloading a bunch of whip cream on top of his drink.

"Mmmmmmmm when!" He said laughing as i hand him his drink.

"Thank you... dan!" As he walked out.
Must of read my rubbish excuse of a name tag. It was warn out and had a melted corner to it as i once left it on the counter and it some how managed to end up under a coffee pot.

"Good bye phil" i whisper before going back to my job.

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