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Ive come to realize, over the past 18 years of me being on this earth, that i have a addictive personality. Even with the smallest of things like the smile on peoples faces. Ive come to learn that i dont like seeing people upset. I know thats a normal thing, like nobody likes to see someone sad, unless of course your some pretentious prick who gets off on others misery. But like... i really dont like when people dont smile. I like seeing people feel good because i know what it feels like to feel anything but happiness.

I lived in that feeling and truth be told, i still kind of do. But lately there is one smile that catches my mind everytime someone walks into the door in hopes it was his smile. Phils smile. That first day he walked his way into our shop it was his smile that kept me going through the day, the storm that occurred that day and the fact i had to walk through it to get home never bothered me. The cold didnt bother me. His smile showed genuine happiness and innocence and it made me feel warm inside. I learned to notice when people where faking a smile or not and in this drab time of year in this drab part of the world which seemed so colorless at times, people almost never gave me a genuine smile, not like phil did.

And even now, as i walk through this colorless city on this particularly grey morning, i wasnt cold. His smile had a lasting effect. He was something different in this place,  a splash of color that was some what refreshing.
Today as i walk up to the shop i see phil standing there waiting outside, cold and shivering.

"Oh hey! Phil... isnt it?" I knew his name. I didnt want to be creepy.

"Yes! Dan, good morning. Im happy your here, im cold and am in need of hot coco." He said smiling that genuine smile.

"Oh yea sorry i was running late, got a call this morning calling me in, my coworker is sick so its just me today."

I say as i quickly open the door and hold it open for him. He walks in quite fast and puts his stuff on a near by table. I already start on his hot coco with extra whip cream by the time he gets to the counter.

"Ill have a-"
"Hot coco with extra whip cream? You said u where in the mood for it so i already started it for ya" i said with a smile,  him returning it.
"Ha ya thank you dan. How much?"
"Once again phil, its on the house."
"Oh? Thank you but why may i ask?"
I decided to just tell him.

" well phil," i start while putting whip cream on his drink and handing it ti him, " i like your smile. Nobody around here give me a genuine smile. This whole city is full of fake smiles and laughs. Its a very drab, colorless city this time of year full of colorless particularly drab people to match. Your smile is just nice to see i guess, in the least creepy way possible " i say laughing while shifting from foot to foor, hoping i didnt scare him off.

"Thank you dan. I like your smile to" he says sticking his toung out while sitting down with his laptop out. Did phil fucking Lester, Amazing phil... really just say he likes my smile?? Omg omg omg

"Do u have wifi? Im writing and for some reason my laptop needs internet to open the particular document im writing on"

"Oh ya heres the password. Soo what do u write about?" I asked, handing him a paper with the password on it.

"I write about what i see. The places, the people,  how i feel when i see it. So u wanna read what i wrote on the plane here?" He asks.

"Ya im always up to see someones creative take on the world. Ive never been on a plane myself so this will be cool i bet" leaving the counter and walking over to him to read what he wrote. Somehow i knew that whatever it said, it would be beautiful.

I was on a plane .. i look out at the world... so drab, only 4 repeating colors. The brown and greens of the never fucking ending fields. I look at the city's I once saw as huge, now so small... surrounded by the damn fields... and then there's the black lakes, the blue sky's... so boring. The world... it was so fucking colorless. It was nothing but squares and circles plagued with lines, the roads leading to seemingly no where. It's like we have ruined the natural beauty of the world with the drab colors of crops. Looking out the window was depressing. It looked like a computer simulation. The earth was built up of squares. The only time I enjoyed looking out was when we where to high to see anything but the clouds and the curve of the earth. The only things man kind couldn't ruin the beauty of.

"Phil that is so good and well written. Your really talented. I could tell you put a lot of emotion into it and it made it so... beautiful!" I say enthusiasticly. He blushed and said thank you.

just then i heard another costumer walk through the door  and suddenly i was thrown back into this world of grey. I turn to excuse myself from phil witha small smile and wave as i stand up and return to my post. As soon as the costumers drink was done, i turn to look at this mans face, his smile so forced. And when he was gone,  so was phil.

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