Amazing phil

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Once I got home I  ran straight upstairs into my room, ignoring the hellos from my family. I immediately hopped onto my computer and went on twitter to check out my notifications
@amazingphil has tweeted a picture.
I click on it, interested in what this boy was up to. He tweeted a photo of the hot coco I made him with the caption. "I've found my new favorite place in London."
So I'm gonna see phil again. That's exciting.
I tweeted him trying not to be weird, quickly unfollowing him and following him again to make it look like I just found his twitter,
"@amazingphil Hey phil! Glad to hear you like my hot coco, friend sent me your twitter, happy to meet you mr amazing phil lol. 😊"

And with in a few minutes he reply's
"Well hello @danisnotonfire haha yes your hot coco is great lol I'll see you tomorrow if your working 😊"  and right away follows me back.

I dared to reply one last time
"@amazingphil c u tomorrow phil" and with that he likes it and thus ends our short but sweet conversation but also begins a whole bunch of dms from fan girls asking where I work. Of course I didn't tell them but it was cool when they ended up following me.
Now the real challenge will be to not really weird him out now that he knows I know he's internet famous.

I log out of twitter and go to YouTube.and what do u know, phil has also uploaded a new video. I decided to click on it feeling like I myself am one of those many fan girls cluttering up my DMs for th chance to meet phil.

"Hey guys! So today I just wanted to tell u a little about my day. I think I've possibly met my first friend here in London and I'm pretty excited about it." And he goes on about how he saw two squirrels fighting over a slice of pizza outside a pizza shop on his walk home from my little cafe. He's such a interesting person but it makes me incredibly happy knowing phil, THE amazingphil wants to be my friend. Now that's cool. The thing I like about phil is when I talk to him it's like I'm in a different world, a bright and colorful world, a world I never want to leave because in my world, there is no color. It's just... grey.

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