well then...

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Once my alarm went off i hit the snooze button almost right away and the fell asleep once again, tired from staying up all night watching youtube. I probably stayed up until 4 am and now as the alarm goes off again i am cursing myself for my stupid actions. I slowly roll over and fall on to the floor. Its a sunday morning so business today should be slow thankfully. I pick myself off the floor even though every part of me wants to just stay there and sleep. I get up and look in the mirror
"Fuckin hell" i say to myself, i look like a bloody mess with my curly hair and those all to familiar dark circles under my eyes. I sort of resemble a dead body. I quickly put on my work uniform, through on my jacket and some large boots and reluctantly make my slow journey to the coffee shop down the road. Its snowing rather hard so that short distance felt like fucking miles.

while walking i cant help but look at my surroundings, im walking down this familiar road but i never noticed the way the snow covers everything, some people think its beautiful like a perfect silk blanket covering the surrounding ground but i just see it as cold.its covering the land with frozen crystals, taking away the only color this city had, taking away the golden red leafs, ripping them from the trees and ultimately creating a brown frozen mush in the road. the snow isn't so beautiful either, its grey and black where people have trudged through it and the cars drove over it. hell, there are fuckin full on black ice blocks sitting on the side of the cobble stone road. i only know its ice because i tried kicking it, for what reason? i dont know. i guess i just find peace in destroying things but instead of me destroying, it was the ice block that had caused destruction. i swear i think i broke at least one toe. Or maybe im just being dramatic but still, it hurt like hell.

as i walk up to the entrance i once again find phil sitting there shivering in the cold, he took my gaze off the ground a little to long and i slip on a patch of black ice and ultimately eat shit, falling on my ass. great, now my foot hurts AND my ass. that and phil saw me make a complete fool of myself. awesome.

"oof. isnt that just great" i say laughing even though i want to curse out the world for being awful this time of year.

"oh my gosh dan are you okay?" phil runs over reaching out for my hand to help me up. he seemed genuinely concerned.

"haha ya ill live i suppose" i say grabbing his hand trying to laugh it off.

We both hurry in through the door as i unlock it.

"Hot coco?" I say to phil as i turn around the 'sorry we are closed' sign to open.

"With extra whip cream" phil says with a smile.
As i make the hot coco phil snuck money into the tip jar, trying to be sneaking as he knows i wouldnt let him pay.

"Here ya go Philly" i say in a mocking tone while handing him his hot beverage.
"Why thank you good sir" he says in a equally mocking tone.

"Dan?" He calls out as i start to turn back around.

"Yes Phil?"

"Its very cold outside so i dont think u will get a lot of buisness today so do u wanna sit down and have a hot drink with me?" Phil asks with a hopeful smile

" hmmm lets see, sitting behind the bar alone for hours waiting for costumers more than likley wont come vs drinking coffee with you, ill have to think about that one." I say laughing

"Come now, tell me about yourself " phil says as i take a seat across from him.

I felt a bit shocked. Nobody wants to know me, nobody has ever asked about me. Why would anyone want to know anything about what makes me who i am?

"Well i like video games and anime and i watch a lot of youtube as well."

Phil looked happy i was talking to him about what i like.

"Thats awesome! Me to! Although i do have a question." Phil says with a funny look on his face.
I nod for him to continue.

"Sinse you like youtube have you ever watched any of my videos?"

I don't know why but i just started laughing.
"Ive seen a few" i say with a stupid smile on my face.

And with that our conversation took off. We talked about everything really, video games, movies, animes. Turns out we have a lot in common. We talked for hours. I didnt even realize until my coworker came in for his shift, meaning i was off the clock.

"Hey there danny boi, business slow is it?" I hear with a pat on my back from pj.

"Not the busiest of days im afraid" i tell him. Pj is Chris's boyfriend and one of my only friends.

"Well i guess youll have no problem getting out of here then" he says with out even glancing at phil.

I start to get up and so does phil.

"Hey dan do u want to hang out?"

"What would we do? Its literally so cold out."

"Well i mean, we could go to my house and play some video games. Ive got horror games and some wii games and all sorts of stuff to play." Phil says looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"Ya that sound fun! Beats sitting at home on twitter all day" i say as we head out the door.

Phil leads me down the street, we walk probably a mile in the freezing cold. As i look around the world suddenly doesnt look so depressing. Not when im with phil. We pass by a few people on the street and everytime phil seems to hide his face just slightly.

"Why do u do that phil?" I ask as he looks back up.

"I dont like being recognised all the time. Sure its fun sometimes but not when im trying to hang with friends. Not That i really have ever come across that problem before. Youre my only friend here dan." He says slightly brushing and he shakes his head slightly laughing a bit.

"Well i think its cool u get recignised. People know your name. Your a somebody and thats why im sorta shocked as to why youre hanging with me out of all people."

"What do u mean dan?" Phil says

"Well im a nobody phil."

"Youre somebody to me dan."

Phil says smiling as he speeds up to open a door to a apartment building. We quickly run inside and he leads me to a elevator. I start to jump because in a child and thats what children do in elevators.

"Ah dont do that dan!" Phil says slightly laughing but with a serious under tone. So what do i do? I jump again making him scream slightly as i laugh at him. The door opens and we finally make it to his apartment onoy to be greeted with a billion stares.

"Oh god phil why do u have so many bloody stairs?" I say out of breath once we get to the top and walk into the living room.

"Ugh i know. Thats literally thr onky exercise i get haha. Ive got a idea if youre up for it."

"Im literally down for anything."

"Well i was thinking we could play a horror game and put it on my youtube channel? Ive gotten loads of requests to play fnaf but im to much of a wimp to play by myself." He says once again with hopeful eyes.
I cant believe phil wanted me to be in a video with him. Of course i say yes and we play the game and i actually had a lot of fun until i fell backwards in my chair from a jump scare and spilt my coffee.

I ended up leaving pretty late and said goodbye to begin my long trip home as he begins to edit the video. I cant believe he wanted me to be in his video.

G.r.e.y (Dan And Phil Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now