While my mom's away on a buisness trip I have to live with that?

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Anna's POV

It's been like three hours and she's only been working for two see for one she had to go around the whole house and cover all the mirrors in the house because she didn't want me to see. Yeah it took her a whole hour to cover them lets just say my mom likes vanity, a lot! So after that she started choosing colors to match my skin tone and stuff like that I would zone out and then come back in. At one point she picked up a tube of PINK lip gloss and she was about to put some on me when I snapped up and grabbed her wrist, I have very good reflexes, her eyes widened.

"OMG I'm so sorry I forgot you hate pink I'm so sorry" she looked like she was about to cry when I hugged her. But i could tell she was thinking 'How in the Freaking world can you hate PINK, it's murder it's it's like hating sunshine or life'

"IT'S OK it's ok you forgot and I forgive you but lets just stay away from pink from now on ok" She just smiled and nodded just like me and my dad would do when he was still alive. See my mom LOVES vanity as if that's the understatment of the year she would always drag me and dad with her and asked if we like what she was wearing or how she looked. Me and my dad don't really pay much attention or at least I don't and he didn't but when she would ask me and my dad would stand back and just smile and nod. Those were the good times. A tear escaped my eye and immediately Cathy noticed she took a towel and rubbed the spot she then took of my mascara and put on some that said 'water proof'. She then put it back and hugged me. Cathy was the only other person to know about my past other than my family and her hugs made me feel better, like some one still loved me. That was the truth, Cathy was always there for me and when me dad died she stepped in and helped me in my time of need and loved me like a sister.

"You okay" her voice tore me from my thoughts I nodded "I know what your thinking about but don't worry I'll always be here for you ok" I nodded again and she gave me another hug. Another thirty minutes and she was done with my make-up and I felt like taking a shower to get all this make-up of me, the one flaw that I think Cathy has but helps sometimes is it's like she can read my mind.

"Oh no you are not taking a shower but if you think I over did it I'll just take some off okay" she said with a matter-o-factly tone.

"Yeah you know you are scary good with reading my mind" I said with a fake shudder, we looked at each other and burst out laughing. But just like that we stopped abruptly, yeah I know weird but were just cool like that.

"Now back to business, time for your hair" she said being very serious.

"JOY!" I sarcastically screamed slashed yelled and yes they are different one is high pitched and loud while the other is calmer.

"I KNOW RIGHT, you'll just love it please trust me" she just stared at me I think excepting an answer but when I didn't she said "When have I ever steered you wrong"

"Hmm" and I started to think.

"It's rhetorical dummy don't answer it" she said

I snapped out of it but I because she knew I could come up with a whole list thirty minutes and still go on. We had quite the past but I don't want to get into that. Just then she pulled me and drug me to the bathroom and prompted to sit on my sink counter top. She then took out a whole bunch of items like shampoo, conditioner and a curling iron, maybe a few hair accessories. She plugged in the curling iron and set it on the counter. She left the room and a few minutes later with a chair and leaned it against the sink, she then prompted me to sit I just looked at her for a minute and then sat down. She too a pillow and put it back against my neck and then tilted my head back the water started and she started to wash my hair using all those hair products I saw her dig out of her bag. After my hair was done she started to dig through my drawers until she found my hair dryer. Once my hair was dry she told me to sit on the counter top again I listened she left the room, I leaned back an yelled in pain

"OWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!" Cathy ran in and looked at me and said "I'm alright don't worry I just burned my self on the fucking curling iron" she gasped.

" You never, ever cuss what's gotten into you lately huh, is there something you want to tell me something you've been hiding from me" her voice never raising. I just shrugged and said

"Oh nothing but after some crap with the bitch I blew up that's why I knocked Seth out" she started in a fit of giggles

"Oh...O... Okay...tha-that was... so... funny" she said almost out of breath.

"Let's finish this make over so I can get the make-up of your face so I can I mean we can go to bed, okay" I nodded with that she went to work making small flips with the curling iron in my hair. After I was done she got up told me to get up and follow her. We went into my room and there was a big looking item in the middle of it, a mirror no doubt, it was covered by a white sheet. She put me in front of it and she went to the side grasping the sheet. She then took deep breaths.

"One. Two. Three" and she pulled down the sheet I gasped she squealed.

" You like it don't you" I just nodded I was afraid if I talked then the mirror would shatter and the beautiful girl standing there would be gone forever.

" Say something" I was breathless but I found the courage to talk.

"Wh-Who is that" I could barley get the words out in a whisper she smirked and said.

" That's you, so I guess we will go shopping" I just nodded again that was me how could that be me I wasn't that pretty, I just kept repeating that in my head she Cathy finally took my arm just I was about to turn away I saw those blue eye's sparkle happiness. She took me and sat me down and took all of the make up off I felt lighter as if I could talk again. I smiled.

" I love it, you could beat anyone in fashion and make-up find the money and start your own shop for those who need to put their inside beauty on the outside, OMG you could call it INSIDE TO THE OUTSIDE" she just chuckled and shook her head, what she was great. Luna stepped inside and looked at me with the biggest smile in the world and then mouthed the words to Cathy "Thank You" but then she was back at looking at me she came over and gave me a hug and whispered

"Now you look beautiful inside and out" she said and tears came down her face I hugged her again what people don't know is Luna is more of a mom then my real mother and that she lost her kid before he was even born, her poor dead baby boy so now I'm like her daughter.

"It's ok I love you and you're my real mother I promise" she hugged me tighter and then said

"Time to go to bed Cathy are you sleeping in here or in your room" yes she has her own room well it's the guest room she just kinda took it over.

"I'll be staying in my room" she politely said she loves Luna as much as me and as much as her banana chocolate chip pancakes or any of Luna's cooking.

"I'll lead the way good night Anna" she said ushering Cathy out the door.

"Good night Luna, good nigh Cathy" I said realizing I was really tired

"Night" she said. My head hit the pillow and I drifted into sleep as the room went dark.

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While my mom's away on a buisness trip I have to live with that?Where stories live. Discover now