While my mom's away on a business trip I have to live with that?

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Anna's POV

I woke up and Cathy's looming over me I let out a piercing scream. Liam came running in from the connecting bathroom wearing just a towel around his waist.

"What's going on," Cathy started to laugh so hard.

"She fucking scared me," I said pointing to the laughing Cathy. She wouldn't stop laughing so I punched her in the gut and she muttered an ow and continued to laugh. Finally she stopped peace for one minute.

"You need to get ready for school and I need to help you it's like four in the morning but we need to get you ready," she squealed. I can tell she loves her going to be job. Liam walked into the bathroom grabbed some clothes and left the bathroom. Cathy grabbed some clothes she had picked out for me and grabbed my wrist, picking up her make-up bag before we entered the bathroom.

*******After getting ready*********

Cathy had got a nice mustang convertible yesterday and she was letting me drive it to school so no one would know who I was, yet. We got down stairs and I grabbed a granola bar and started to munch on it.

"Is that all your eating, a granola bar you should eat something else," Liam said pointing to my breakfast. Just then Cathy came into the dinning room eating a half open banana.

"Yes, I mean it's not like she's eating a lot," I said pointing to Cathy.

"So banana's have lot's of potassium in them," he said back so I just rolled my eye's and we left for school. We drove up to school a few minutes later and every one was looking at the MC I just say that to shorten the name. They were looking at the MC to see who was driving. I parked and Cathy got out first a few girl's noticed her and waved yelling 'Cathy over here girl' then it was my turn. I opened my car door and stuck my foot out slowly standing up leaning down to get my books a guy came up and slapped me on the ass and I twirled around to see Seth he smiled at me.

"Hey your Emily from the coffee shop aren't you, I'm Seth remember me, oh and please don't tell anyone that I work at a coffee shop," he said I just nodded. "Uh hey do you want me to show you around school," he said I shook my head no and Cathy walked around over to me.

"That's why she has me," she said while pulling me towards the school and handing me my book's. I was walking through the hall's and I got a few glares from the girl's and whistles from the dudes with a lot of winking and comment's to other dude's like 'I'd tap that' yeah you'd tap that in your dreams wait not even in your dreams I would think. I finally got to my locker and got my stuff out for class. I was walking to class when some one stopped me I turned around to see Liam and he leaned in close to me but I wasn't freaked out because I knew he wouldn't kiss me we were like brother and sister now.

"Watch your back ok," he whispered into my ear and left I just nodded to air and smiled turning around and going into class. I sat in my seat waiting for class to start when Martha Bloom walked in. Her eye's went wide and she raced over to Mr. Wellstien, by now every one was in the class room. See Martha is the kind of girl to tell the teacher every thing if she hears something going on she goes to the nearest teacher and tells them.

"Mr. Wellstien the new girl is sitting in Anna's seat tell her to move," she said in her high pitched girly voice a little lower then Heather's but still high enough to break glass.

"A new girl I wasn't aware let me see and who ar- oh hi Anna, Mr. Bloom please that is Anna get your eye's checked now take a seat," he only called you by your first name if you were his star student which I was. Every one was looking at me and gapping.

"What are you looking at," I turned around to see if some one was behind me to mock them but only to see more people looking at me. "Oh, you must be looking at me," I said. They were still looking at me.

"Class please stop looking at Anna," he said and the class looked to the front.


I walked into the Lunch room and all eye's turned to me. I decided to get a fruit salad to day so I got into the salad line, when I finished every one was still looking at me.

"What!" I snapped and they snapped out of it and started to talk in their click's.

"Anna over here," I looked over to see Liam calling me over Cathy already sitting there ushering me over too. I walked over and sat down between Liam and another football player, Cathy sat in front of me.

"Check your messages," Cathy said. I nodded taking out my phone.

<Cathy>We're meaning me and Liam have decided to say we're friends.


I looked up to see her reading my message and she looked at me and smiled. I started to eat my salad listening to the football players talk about sport's and did I mention this table is the football/player table. So like I said they were talking about sports and who they did yesterday and stuff boy's talk about. The boy next to me put his hand on my thigh and I pretended not to notice. He then squeezed my thigh and I looked at him he was looking at me and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I then looked at Liam and he noticed.

"So Anna what kind of phone do you have," really random but the dude let go. So I took my phone out and showed it to him and he took it.

"So Anna your looking hot what happened," one of the boy's who I didn't even know he knew my name but wait Liam used it like a second ago.

"What happened, well my friend Cathy happened she is going to be a great beautician some day," I said smiling at Cathy.

"Well it is a gift," she said. I nodded.

"Oh well your bod look's hot too when did that happen," Seth said this time.

"That happened over the summer I've been working out with my personal trainer Antonio I just haven't wore shirts to show the results," I said.

"Well you are defiantly working out," he said looking me over. Just then my phone vibrated, and Jeffery walked up behind Seth.

<Derald> Hey Cous what's up family reunion on Friday can't wait to c u there by the way I'm bringing the football team my friends and some are players because I've turned into one. I don't know who the guy's are bringing but they're prob bringing friends cuz most of the guys are from the same school as me were not Hollywood people like you.

"Yes!" I said while jumping up. The boy's all looked at me and I sat down.

"What," they all said at the same time.

"I'm just happy cuz family reunion day is coming up and I'll be able to see all my cousins," I said they all looked at me.

"So your going to hang out with your girl cousins," Seth said. I laughed so hard they all looked at me.

"My cousins aren't girls their all guys all the girl's are married into the family except for me I was born into it, so were going to a barbeque at my uncles and me and my cousins, their school's football team, oh and their friends which I learned one of them named Derald who texted me about it, is going to have his player friends there too so that will bring down the mood," I said pausing for air and then starting again. "While were there we'll eat food from the grill either me or one of my uncles makes and after that me and my cousins will hang out either swimming, playing basketball, baseball or football those are the three major sports in my family swimming is more of a hobby," I said.

"So while they play football your cheering for them or basketball or baseball, right," Seth said.

"No I actually play," I said shaking my head. Their mouth's hung open and the bell rang.

"Bye guy's," me and Cathy and Liam got up and left the lunch room.

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While my mom's away on a buisness trip I have to live with that?Where stories live. Discover now