While my mom's away on a buisness trip I have to live with that?

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Anna's POV

I sat down next to Liam, Seth and Jason. I was just sitting there listening to what the teacher had to say when Liam put a note on my desk.

What was that all about? Why did you have to go with the principle?

Great even he wanted to know.

You know the test? Yeah well he wanted to talk about my score I got on it.

I passed it back to his desk and continued on to listen to what the teacher had to say, then yet again a note was on my desk.

Really what happened? What did he say, can you tell me?

I rolled my eye's.

Yes, nothing really, he just wanted to move me up to college and I said no.

I passed it back, there was no more interruptions since then, next we have P.E. I love that class it's me the football players and some slutty girls. I ran to the girls locker room to make it out of there before the girls go in. Yes, they weren't here yet, so I just got dressed. Oh, crap the door, I could hear the girls coming in and gossiping. I was dressed I just had to make it out of here alive. When they came over to this side I ran to the door, and made it out perfectly. Thank god, I got into the P.E room and the boys were already there, I said I was gonna give my all in my classes and a class I've been holding back in was P.E, this will be fun. The girls came in and made a they were all just staring at the boys and me.

"Ok, class today we have dodge ball," yes! I love doge ball, I heard a few groans from the girls, oh well.

"Girls you can sit out like you always do, but your grade will be bad," this earned cheers from the girls, normally I just walk off with them but this time I just stood where I was.

"Anna, your welcome to leave to," I just shook my head no, the girls gasped and I rolled my eyes.

"Wow, she's actually gonna play, lets see her get creamed by the boys," one of the girls said, ugh they are way to smug with themselves and the boys.

"Ok, time for teams, team captains are Liam and Seth, choose your teams," I was standing on the line, see when ever we play dodge ball Seth and Liam are team captains because it makes the game interesting with them both not on the same team.

"I choose, Anna," Liam had started to choose, there was gasps from the girls and the guys mouths hung open. I walked over and took my spot.

"I choose, Jason," this time Seth chose.

"I choose Adin," Liam said.

***After selection*****

So the teams were even and we just started to play, I took a ball and found my target, this guy who was a big player not as big as Seth and Liam but just like the two of them. He was pretty strong and thought he could get any girl so now that I look the way I look he wants me, just to take my innocence away. Ugh, he's a pig, he always did P.E with his shirt off.

"Hey, Anna, I'll go easy on you, you being a girl and a hot one at that, turn around so I can see your ass," it was Erin, well I think that's his name I just don't pay attention, I just shook my head no. Josh wasn't here which was weird actually I haven't seen him for awhile not since the football game.

"GO!" the coach screamed and we were off. I threw my ball so hard it hit him and he fell to the ground take that Erin, ha ha, I didn't go easy on you now did I. Everyone was in shock this was my time, I picked up another ball and chucked it, it hit some one, that was it everyone was back into the game and they were all throwing the ball at me. I jumped and dodge, you couldn't catch me, I also caught the ball. It was only Liam and me on our team and on Seth's team it was only Jason and him. It was a one on one kind of match, I took Jason while Liam had Seth. I was standing there and Liam was a little distracted. I threw the ball, it hit Seth's that he just threw and bounced off hitting him but I was also hit so I fell to the floor. It was just Liam and Jason.

While my mom's away on a buisness trip I have to live with that?Where stories live. Discover now