Chapter 3

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Bang PD Nim POV

"So you're telling that if I call I family member of his that it could possibly bring him out of the coma?" I asked not believing what I heard.

"Yes that is what I am saying."

"Talking to myself, "His family is going to be so pissed, and that's if they haven't found out yet." Not realizing the boys were listening. "Why are you making such a big deal about his family? He's as normal as any of us are." Jungkook says with a tinge of annoyance.

I almost snap at him to shut up because Taehyung's family could make our lives a living hell if they wanted to. But I keep my composure as his family made me promise to keep his identity a secret.

"Just get out and wait outside in the hallway."

??? POV

*On the Phone*

???: Father its me Bai.

Mr. Kim: Oh hey Bai. Are you ready to tell me the monthly update on Tae Tae. You know how protective we all are of him.

Bai: Father...he's in the hospital.

Mr. Kim: ....

Bai: His band members caused him to end up there.

Mr. Kim: Book yourself a flight to Seoul immediately I'm already setting it up for your mother and I. Don't, no matter what, tell your siblings yet you know how angry they can get.

Bai: Yes dad.

*End of Phone call*

As soon as I ended the phone call with father I got another call from PD Nim.

*On the Phone*

Bang PD Nim: Uhm Bai-

Bai: Its Mr. Kim to you.

Bang PD Nim: Right Mr. Kim, Taehyung is in a coma, and the only possible way for him to come out of it is that he will need family members with him.

Bai: We have already booked tickets to Seoul. Oh and make sure his.... band members are there.

Bang PD Nim: Ye-

*End of Phone call*

Quickly I hung the phone up because I felt like I was going to burst out in anger in any second.

Bang PD Nim POV:

When Bai ended the phone call I sighed turning towards the boys, "When his family gets here you better be here when they arrive. I'm pretty sure they know what- no who caused his accident."

Yoongi POV:

Why do we have to be here when his family arrives? It's not like he's some rich kid besides I bet his family can't do anything anyways. This is why we don't like him in the first place. PD Nim always seemed to favor him more making sure he never got hurt, taking him out to eat when he got the acting gig. It's annoying so he got what he deserved.

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