DON'T Take a Picture, It'll Last Longer

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Spoiler Alert(s): N/A
Content Warning(s): N/A
Story Length: 1426 words

Danny was tired. He was tired a lot these days, mostly because of once again having a mission from the Eye and not getting a good night's sleep since the night before the Octa show. Now, however, he was also sleepy; the quiet hum of the plane jets, the comfortable cushions of the seat, and the bland colours surrounding him were treating his sore body and exhausted mind, promising him a nice and calm nap.

     Danny sighed, dropping his hands into his lap and giving up the pretend reading. He turned to his boyfriend, Dylan Shrike, who had insisted on sitting beside him despite the ample space on the plane. "I want to take a nap," he mumbled.

     Dylan turned as well. "Thanks for telling me," he said. "Now what do I do with that information?"

     Danny groaned and hit the back of his head on the backrest behind him. "I dunno," he whined. "But I haven't slept in days and I want to be on my game during the performance, so I want to catch up on some Zs, but I... Am I allowed to just...just take a nap?"

     Dylan raised his eyebrows. "Yes...?" he said, confused. Then his look hardened and he said, "And what was that about not sleeping in days?"

     Danny smiled innocently. "That not sleeping days is obviously not what I've been doing?" he suggested sweetly. "Because I clearly am the type of person to maintain a healthy intake of rest, food, and water while working on a big project, yes? I love myself and want to take care of myself as best as I can!"

     Instead of laughing at the sarcasm, Dylan frowned. "I hope not all of that was sarcasm," he said. "Getting caught up in planning and making sure everything will go smoothly, I suppose I can understand. But not wanting to take care of yourself?"

     Danny rolled his eyes, ignoring the way his heart briefly stopped at Dylan's noticing something no one else ever had. "I was joking, Dylan," he said pointedly. "Don't take it so seriously."

     "If you say so," hummed the other. "I just want you to remember I love you, and if I love you, there's obviously something to love." Before Danny could tease Dylan about being sappy in his old age, the latter pulled the former's head closer, allowing him to kiss his forehead.

     "F–Forehead kisses, really?" was Danny's attempt to laugh off the butterflies in his belly. "We've only been dating for a day."

     Which was more or less the truth. After Danny had pulled Dylan out of the river, they decided they needed to have a talk. And talk they did... Then cry... Then kiss... Then get a little handsy... But that was where Merritt had walked in, which led to thorough interrogation by the other three Horsemen. Neither interrogated man really complained, though: This saved them from having to tell the others, and Dylan was able to feel Danny hide his flushed face in his chest and Danny was able to hear Dylan be just a little, slightly protective over him.

     Dylan smirked. "Oh? So you'd rather..." He leaned forward and pecked Danny on the cheek, drawing a slightly annoyed and slightly amused groan out of the smaller man.

     "No," huffed Danny, "I'd rather this." He grabbed Dylan's shirt, ignoring the complaints of ruffled clothes and smothering them with a rough kiss to Dylan's mouth.

     They didn't get as far as they had yesterday, however, as Danny soon felt the adrenaline drain out of him and he pulled back to sigh again. Danny leaned forward again, but aimed for lower: He laid his head against Dylan's chest and yawned.

     "There is no way you are comfortable like that," deadpanned Dylan. Danny shrugged and his boyfriend sighed. "C'mon."

Dylan stood and held his hand out to Danny, who happily laced his fingers with Dylan's. Dylan pulled Danny over to the back, both ignoring the way the others stopped talking as they passed, to a two-seater that had no armrest in between. The older of the two sat in the aisle seat once again, and Danny sank into the seat beside it. Before Dylan could say a word, Danny rubbed his eye and lay his head on Dylan's lap.

     Perhaps such a blatant show of comfort was due to his exhaustion or to the unfamiliar feeling of love radiating off of Dylan, or both, but Danny did not care (or did not know) that his fellow Horsemen were watching him. Soon, he was fast asleep.

     "This is friggin' adorable," stage-whispered Lula.

     Jack could only nod, flabbergasted that the man out of whom he'd tried to draw affection for years was now happily sleeping in front of them and on their boss's lap. Merritt, however, quickly pulled out his phone and began to snap some photos. Lula caught on and followed suit.

     The noises made Danny twitch a little, and everyone froze, but then he curled up even closer to Dylan and Lula was cooing again.

     "Guys," said Dylan, hiding his adoration behind exasperation, "I swear, if you wake him up..."

     Merritt pouted dramatically. "Aw, but this'll make such great blackmail."

     Dylan felt a bit of protectiveness flare up inside him, but he calmed himself with the reminder that he is their boss and can get them to back off if anything got out of hand. "Just don't wake him up with all the flashes."

     Merritt opened his mouth, but Jack piped up: "Yeah, guys, Danny needs this. He hasn't slept in a while."

     Dylan narrowed his eyes. "You've known he hadn't been taking care of yourself?"

     Regret seemed to slam into Jack as he sat, frozen, mouth open and eyes a little wide. "Um...maybe...?"

     Dylan breathed out a long sigh. He couldn't do anything right now, but he'd be sure to talk to his Horsemen about taking care of themselves — he glanced down at his adorable boyfriend who worried him to no end — and of each other — he threw a pointed look at the youngest member of the team, who smiled sheepishly back.

     "Aww, look at that!" squealed Lula, hiding her wide grin behind one hand and pointing with the other. Everyone turned their eyes to where she was pointing, and a blush rose in Dylan's cheeks when he realized he had subconsciously begun to card his fingers through Danny's hair.

     Dylan cleared his throat. "I think we should get back to planning," he suggested with a forceful edge.

     "Mm," disagreed Merritt. "Don't think Danny-Boy would like that."

     "Don't think he'd like your taking pictures, either," countered Dylan.


     Dylan looked down at the man whose head was on his lap, his face turned towards Dylan's stomach and his knees close to his chest and Dylan's waist. The other Horsemen must have recognized the lovey-dovey moment, for they turned to each other and continued their previous conversation. Dylan paused his rhythmic running of fingers through hair and just took Danny's face in. This is what they should have taken pictures of: Calm, breath-taking beauty. Dylan's heart twisted in his chest as a smile overtook his lips. He was so, so grateful Danny was his to cherish now; for too long had he pined for the younger man from a distance. And now... Now, he could finally...

     He realized he took back what he'd thought earlier; they shouldn't have taken pictures of this gentle scene. No, no, pictures last longer, and he didn't want that. He wanted to experience this over and over, in real time, for himself. He wanted this to be something he treasured, just him. Dylan's smile slowly widened. He couldn't believe his luck: He was dating Danny.

     Danny, the man of his dreams. Danny, who was the closest to his partner when it came to the Horsemen. Danny, who took over when Dylan couldn't. Danny, who admired Lionel Shrike but never saw Dylan as just the son of a great magician. Danny, who was embarrassed surprisingly easily and whose blush was quickly becoming Dylan's favourite shade of red. Danny, who didn't apologize through words unless guilt had been eating at him. Danny, who was a control freak because he'd gotten too used to relying only on himself. Danny, who would do anything for the few people he let in and Danny, the person for whom Dylan would do anything.

     "Sorry, boss," cackled Merritt before a click sounded. Something told Dylan the focus wasn't on Danny anymore, but his own lovestruck expression.

Author's Notes: I think the title sucks, so sorry about that, but yeah. Hope ya'll enjoyed.
[Completed Jul. 2018]

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