Happy to Submit

270 12 15

Spoiler Alert(s): N/A
Content Warning(s): Dom/Sub Themes, Explicit References to Sex, Swearing
Story Length: 2191 words

Waiting for his fellow Horsemen to wake up, Danny had prepared and laid out breakfast. He was just taking the glasses out of a cupboard for drinks when Lula and Jack seated themselves at the counter.

"Mornin', Danny," greeted Jack as he reached for some food.

Lula grinned slyly. "Sleep well?"

The question was innocent but Danny heard the teasing tone to it. He gave his female teammate a quizzical look and was ready to leave it be when he saw the stifled smirk on Jack's face. Danny furrowed his brow as he set down the glasses.

"Uh... Am I missing out on something?" he questioned.

"No," chirped Lula, though her mischievous smile said otherwise. "Nothing."

Merritt lumbered downstairs, unusually chipper for a morning. "Good morning team," he called in a singsong voice.

Danny narrowed his eyes. "Okay... What the hell is going on?" he demanded.

Merritt smiled innocently at Danny. "What ever do you mean, my dear friend?" he said. "I'm just in a good mood. I'd think you would be too, considering how much fun you seemed to have had last night."

"What...?" Realization struck and Danny's eyes widened. "Shit, you guys heard...?"

Merritt descended into a fit of cackles and Jack snickered. Lula said, "Not everything," and Merritt snorted, "But a lot."

Danny flushed. "Wh–What did you hear?" he needed to know.

Jack smirked and mocked, "'Ungh, Dylan, harder!'"

"Please," mock-begged Merritt.

"And a collection of other things," chimed in Lula. "Some interesting nicknames... 'Daddy', 'Master'... Who would've thought the great J. Daniel Atlas, world-acclaimed asshole and self-proclaimed control freak was submissive?"

By then, Danny was blushing from head to toe. "I...I'm not!" he tried miserably.

"Bullshit," scoffed Merritt. "You call that dominance?"

"Why do we have to be one or the other?" cried Danny, flushed and crossing his arms over his chest. "This is ridiculous. I make you guys breakfast and this is what you do?"

Merritt was grinning again. "Just lie down and take it, sub."

Danny didn't know what to say to that. The rational part of him knew this was all in good fun; the others were his friends and they'd never hurt him purposefully. However, the emotional side of him felt like he'd been stabbed. Why do innocent words hurt so much?

"Aw," teased Merritt, "has the sub finally learnt to shut up for the doms?"

That doesn't make any sense, thought Danny spitefully as tears pricked his eyes. Do they even understand how dom/sub stuff works?

"Hey guys," greeted a new voice. "Everyone sleep okay?"

No, no, no, panicked Danny internally. Not Dylan. Not now.

Jack laughed heartily. "Well, you two kept us up most of the night," he joked, "but otherwise, yeah."

I don't want to seem even more stupid. Danny ducked his head and his thoughts spun around. Shit. The Horsemen know I'm submissive in bed and Dylan's going to see me cry and...

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