Science Puns

306 15 15

Spoiler Alert(s): N/A
Content Warning(s): 1 F-bomb, Non-Explicit Sex, Explicit Cheesiness
Story Length: 2915 words

Lula and Jack were sitting on the couch, watching TV. They were quite comfortable with each other now, since it had been almost a year since the London show and their first kiss. Their hands intertwined, they were both leaning on each other while Lula absentmindedly pulled at the end of Jack's sleeves and pockets and Jack equally as absentmindedly flipped a coin with his free hand. If Danny knew his teammates (and he did), they were but pretending to watch whatever movie was playing at the moment.

Merritt had finally reached a level of comfort when in the same room as the lovey-dovey couple as well, though he still made teasing remarks from time to time. Right now, however, he was sitting on his armchair, eyes on the TV and studying the characters. If Danny knew his teammate (and he did), the mentalist would be criticizing the acting sooner or later.

Danny had just sat himself on the second couch, placing the bowl of popcorn he'd been preparing on the coffee table for everyone, when those very critiques began to flow out of Merritt's mouth. Danny rolled his eyes and settled down. He wanted to relax for a little bit before he and Merritt started arguing because if Danny knew himself (and he did), something Merritt said was bound to perk up his ears.

"Ugh," groaned Merritt. "Why are we watching this? It's so cheesy. And what bad portrayal of being in love, too! Very unrealistic if I do say so myself."

Danny raised his eyebrows. "How would you know what it's like to be in love?" he quipped. "Surely you've never experienced it."

"Haha," said Merritt dryly. "I've had the absolute pleasure of watching these two" — he jabbed his thumb towards Lula and Jack — "fall at each other's knees and melt into puddles on the floor. I think I know what it would look like. Besides, you're one to talk, heartless as you are."

Danny scoffed. "I'm not heartless, I have high standards," he corrected.

"High standards?" chimed in Lula. "Like what?"

"Like..." Danny paused to think for a second. "Well, I can't think of much on the spot. But now that I think about it... They're kind of low standards, really, it's just I've never found anyone who fit the bill."

"You still haven't given us an example," pointed out Lula.

Danny sighed and leaned his head back so it was resting on the back of the chair and he was staring at the ceiling. "Honestly... Someone can seduce me with science puns."

Merritt barked out a laugh and Lula snorted but tried to cover it up with a cough. Jack was grinning at Danny as if that was the weirdest thing he has heard and Danny felt a blush coming on. Why did he say that? He was almost 100% certain he was going to regret ever revealing that about himself. Almost.


Danny was always the first to the kitchen in the mornings. Jack and Lula liked to spend some time together by themselves, as if practically being glued together in public wasn't enough. Merritt didn't really fancy leaving his room unless he smelt food, and then he didn't like going back to it unless he had to. Dylan often stayed up late, and Danny did too, but the ex-agent, unlike his younger subordinate, preferred to get his seven hours of sleep instead of pushing himself to exhaustion.

Danny didn't mind this, though. He liked having the space of the apartment to himself for a while and appreciated the ability to cook breakfast for his teammates and get some cleaning done.

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