mix tape fourteen

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January 18, 1982

I was listening to the radio and I heard the song again. I makes me feel connected to you, and I know that if one day we meet; we’re going to listen to that song together. Together. I like that word.

I was cleaning my room last week and found something. It’s probably useless, but to me it meant a lot. It made me think of you, but then again almost anything, anywhere and anyone makes me think of you. If you didn’t know better; you might think that I’m in love with you. But do I know better?

Either ways, back to the subject. I found this rock and it made me think of you. I added it into the envelop so that you can have a look. A rock, I know it might sound offensive but if you take a closer look at the meaning, you might just understand the beauty in it, and in yourself.

The rock, dull and boring it seems. Now I’m not saying you’re dull and boring, most definitely not. But that’s the thing. You think it’s boring until you accidently drop it onto the floor; and it breaks up. Fragile and broke it lays on the ground; its secrets all revealed.

The inside is just bright and beautiful, I can’t get enough from it. Words cannot describe how beautiful I find this metaphor, which is probably kind of sad since I came up with it myself. But that’s okay. Some people laugh about their own jokes, others are stunned by their own metaphors.

I hope you don’t find that offensive, that wasn’t my intention, and it never will. I just really want you to feel beautiful, because if you could see what I could see, you would understand.

I’m rambling again and my eyes are drooping just like my writing skills.

Affectionately Yours,


Together. She liked that word too. Especially when it was a word to group her and Luke together.

Her eyes were drooping down too, the urge to close her eyes and fall down onto her bed was large; but first she wanted to open up the letter she had gotten from Luke just after dinner.

‘Beautiful Interception’ the mix tape was called, and on the front there was a football player drawn who intercepted the ball from the opposing team. She opened the cover and found, as expected, another mix tape.

She ran over to her mix tape and played it whilst she changed into her pyjamas and brushed her hair and teeth. Only when she laid in bed she remembered the stone.

As soft as she could, she tiptoed out of bed – not trying to wake her parents. Her left hand slipped into the envelop and she found a cut off stone.

It was true. It was boring from the outside but from the inside it looked stunning. She couldn’t help but notice one half of the stone missing. And then she realised that Luke had the other half.

She blushed at the thought of him holding the other half at the same time, thinking about her. And suddenly she felt so close to him. If she didn’t know better, she might have thought that she was in love with him.

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