Chapter 1

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I will try to update this one on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I just finished chapter 6 and some chapters will be short. Like, over 1,000 words short because I'm still trying to figure out how to divide this into chapters to end them on a good note.

Words count: 2531


A full moon shines brightly over the rooftops of New York City. All seems quiet...but it's not as some shady business is going on at one of the buildings. The Purple Dragons are transporting something into their truck. One of them pulls out his phone, revealing Hun as a hologram. "Boss, we're in." One of the male members of the purple dragons.

"Excellent! And the goods?" He wonders, clenching his fist. "Tons of high tech loot. Just like you said, boss. Just like you said." He said. Unbeknownst to them, the turtles, Nathanial, Jessie, Rachael and Ashly jump onto the building in front of them...or are they the real ones? The seven shadows jump down. "Look out!" The other male purple dragons said.


At the lair, Master Splinter is watching one of his soap operas.

"I'm afraid it's true, Kincaid. I'm not your stepbrother. I'm your half-sister."

Splinter gasps in shock at this revelation, before it gets interrupted by the news. "We interrupt this program for a Channel Six news exclusive. There was a daring robbery earlier tonight at a high-tech midtown laboratory. A nearby surveillance camera captured this image of eight bizarre green creatures, one creature with a long tail and three female humans." Splinter gasps in utter disbelief as he stands up.

"Leonardo!" He said. The blue masked turtle jumps down from the roof, grinning to himself.

"Michelangelo!" Master Splinter said. The happy-go-lucky turtle skates in with his skateboard.

"Donatello!" He said. The smartest turtle of the group pole vaults himself into the air.

"Raphael!" He said. The turtle with a temper runs into the room.

"Jessika!" He said. A brunette girl that looks to be 18-19 or so was in her bedroom as she did backflips into the room. She wore her traditional outfit, but the vest is slightly darker, jeans are darker and her tan boots with cream-color fleece liner are also darker. She was wearing a short sleeve t-shirt that the sleeves sit above her elbows, her fingerless gloves are longer, and her wrist guards are lighter. Her hair is simply longer than she was fourteen-in-a-half years.

"Rachael!" He said. A brunette girl that looks to be 20 or so ran into the room. She wore a red/white raglan shirt with a star on the front and on the back, denim shorts with red roses on the right leg, white/blue striped crew socks, red choker with a heart hanging from it, black high-heel ankle boots, denim sleeveless vest and brown belt with the sheaths that holds her twin daggers. Her hair was done up in a high ponytail. She stood next to Raph as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Ashlynn!" He said. A brunette girl that looks to be 20 or so backflips into the room. She wears a pink strapless top with a green stripe at the top. She also wears a blue denim skirt which has black beads and a pink bow around the waist. Her necklace consists of the yin pendant while Leo has the yang one. Her ankle boots are pink. Her hair is tied into two ponytails and also has a green hair clip in her hair. They all gather in front of Sensei. All of the turtles have white eyes.

"Nathanial!" He said. The turtle-hybrid with a long tail, dark green shell on his back and gray mask.

"Madeline!" He said. The turtle in sky blue, apple green jumped down from her bedroom.

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