Prelude: 1922

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Linda stood alone in the Bodie family home. She was cooking John's favorite food, cooked turkey and mashed potatoes, while she waited on him to return from work. The noises of the radio were loud enough...

"The town of Bodie is rumored to run out of its economies primary source, gold, in the 1930's..." the radio blared out of nowhere. But Linda had already heard the news earlier that week.

A loud bang came from outside, almost as if a tree had just fallen down on a house. Linda jumped, looked outside her window and ran outside to her porch. She opened the door and inched slowly onto the unlit porch. She needed light, she ran inside to grab a candle and goes back outside and looks around for a few minutes but sees nothing. As Linda turns back to go inside, she hears a loud grunt from the distance and quickly turns around and squints to see a figure in the distance. The person, or whatever it was, was dragging itself across the ground slowly towards her, but was only about 50 feet away.

Linda runs inside to grab a knife for self-defense in case of an attack but when she came out, the figure turned out to be a man. She ran closer to the crawling man and noticed how bad he looked. Bruises and cuts everywhere, cuts that were clotted and some that were oozing blood. Dirt everywhere and blood on his face and a messed up right eye. Linda had gotten significantly more scared when she saw the man. The man just stopped in his tracks and grunted some more and continued to breathe very heavily. Linda looked at him in fear and asked them man who he was.

"W-w-who are you..?" Linda asked nervously and anxiously.

The man grunts and breathes even heavier, but has a creepy smile on his face now.

"I am Fisher."

Linda's eyes open wider and she starts to scream as she turns around and tries to run. But Henry stood up and started to run and grabbed Linda and knocked her out.

Silence in the Bodie home.

Town of Gold: Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now