IV. 1920

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Arnold Fisher was the maker of the Fisher family mansion. He bought the 14 acre forest around it and the 16 acre plain land to build his own farm on. Arnold was killed in an accident with his farming equipment. After the Bodie's bought the land for the Bodie town, Arnold randomly appeared in anger of the loss of the land and riches that came with the land. 


June, 1920

Charlie visits the town hall asking John II when the group of people will be ready.

"Mr. Bodie, when will your group of people that are supposed to help me find Henry be ready?" He asked.

"Well, we haven't gotten to that yet, maybe another few weeks." John II replied. 

"No, sir Jack has been missing for months, and Henry must be captured before more of the illness spreads. I'll just go by myself, I can do it alone I'm fine."

"Alright then, good luck finding Mr. Fisher and Jack."


At nearly 11 p.m. Charlie walks into the forest alone in search of any clues or better yet, the mansion itself. The forest is so dark it's almost impossible to see the paths on the ground. Charlie didn't think to bring any light with him. 

An hour later and huge house shadow appears in the distance, and Charlie runs to the huge gate.  The moon is now visible with no trees around, and the light shows the old wooden house, with fallen trees and overgrown weeds and plants in the destroyed yard of the mansion. 

"This has got to be it." Charlie thought to himself as he walked up the porch.

He slowly opens the door, but a huge creak comes with it and Charlie becomes more alert. He walks in and sees two staircases, one wooden one up, and one wooden one going down. Charlie decides to go downstairs first, but only comes to a hallway with one door, when opened, he found an empty room with blood on the walls and after that sight, Charlie quickly walks back up the stairs. He walks up the next flight of stairs and sees another hallway with many doors this time. He walks in front of the first one, hand on doorknob read to open when he hears an ear piercing scream from down the hall. Charlie turns and runs to the last door in the hall and busts it down and sees an unforgettable sight.

Jack, tied up in a chair against the back wall, blood on his arms and face and many injection marks in his arms. Jack is shaking violently and breathing heavily until Charlie calms him down.

"Hey, Jack calm down I'm here to save you. Take you to a hospital. Get you help and you will live."  Charlie assured.

"N-n-no. I have been injected with the... the illness. The Fisher whatever you all called it. I am going to die Mr. Wright. Leave me here." 

"You will not die, and I am not leaving you here. Here let me get you out of here." 

Charlie starts to try to unite the ropes and unties one, but hears footsteps coming from down the hall. 

"Quick, hide Charlie, leave me here I deserve to die in this place." 

Charlie nods his head with a big frown on his face as he hides in the tall dresser in the corner of the room. A man enters the room and screaming once again comes from Jack and Charlie hears the loud banging of the wooden chair against the old worn floor. Charlie has a tear run down his face and he busts out of the dresser, breaking the doors and he tackles the man. 

Charlie then winces and grunts in pain as he was stabbed by the man in the left arm. Charlie falls back and slowly moves towards the wall and asks the man who he is, even though Charlie already knows.

The man smiles as he says, "I am Henry Fisher. I have won with my ancestor's illness. There is still no cure and will never be after I kill off the Bodie family and run the city myself. Only after killing you and Jack first though." Henry tries to tie up Charlie first but receives a blow to the head by Jack's untied arm. Charlie stands up and steals Henry's knife and pins Henry down.

"Henry, I will not hesitate to kill you if you don't come with me back to Bodie and face the leaders." Charlie told him angrily.

Henry just stared at Charlie for a good 30 seconds but shoves him off and runs out the door. Charlie follow and throws the knife at Henry, but misses and impales the wall instead. He walks back upstairs and grabs Jack, and carries him to the hospital.


The next day, John II and Charlie visit the Fisher mansion, John II throws a burning stick in the yard and a pile of burning sticks and weeds in the house, and they watch the house burn for a while, hoping Henry was in there to burn. They celebrate the victory over the Fisher family and head back to the town. 

Charlie no longer gets any more reporting of illnesses or ghost sightings, and John II hopes the town will return to normal. The hospital reopens after Jack entered, and they continuously work to find a cure to the Fisher illness to attempt to save Jack. 

However, the happiness and absence of ghosts didn't last long...


September, 1920

Charlie walked in his home at midnight, exhausted after a long, late night party. He goes to his room, changes into his nighttime clothes and lays in bed for a while before leaning over to blow out his candles. However, when he did so, he was met with a bloody ghost with no eyes, and white, torn up clothes. 

Charlie screams and moves back, falling off the bed. The ghost follows and looks at Charlie, and says:

"Not. Dead."

Charlie stands up and the ghost is gone, his heart beating out of his chest. He lays in bed and thinks about that phrase...

"Oh no." Charlie thought. "Henry isn't dead is he..."

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