what happened?

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~(Y/N)'s pov.~

When we got home we had a surprise. Tohru, Yuki, and Kyo were all there and were seeming to inspect our home. "Um hello again." I said.

"Oh hello Ms. (Y/N), Ms. Millia, were you walking though the forest?" Yuki asked as he turned around spotting us.

Millia shook her head her long blue bangs falling in her face. "No we live here." She answered with a bright smile.

"Millia they didn't need to know that." I told my younger sister crossing my arms.

"Well they live here too don't they? In the forest I mean." Millia asked in reply. She had confusion in her eyes.

"Well if you haven't noticed the house isn't exactly in the best of shape." I replied walking towards the entrance of the house.

"Oh so you two live here too? That's so cool!" Torhu exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah it's kinda cool we had neighbors we didn't even know about!" Millia exclaimed just as energetically as Tohru. Tohru and Millia began to talk with each other.

I began trying to unlock the front door and was having trouble.

"Need help?" Kyo asked seeming me struggling with the door key. He came up behind me slightly, but an okay distance away.

"No I've got it" I said and right as I did so I heard a click of the lock and the door opened, but as soon as I did that a black cat jumped out as me causing me to jump backwards into Kyo. I heard two poofs and orange and golden smoke formed around the small area.

When the smoke cleared I saw everyone with a shocked expression. Even my sister which confused me. I was in my lion form and I was nearly as big as a midsize dog. I facepalmed with my paw. "Of all the times this could have happened." I say with a sigh.

"Wait since when is it contagious?" Millia asked. This confused me even more with her statement until I saw a small orange cat beside me.

"What the hell?" The cat and I both said. I could only infer that the cat was Kyo seeing as the cloths he was previously wearing on the ground. Beside the cat's eye and fur color is the same as Kyo's.

"Wait that's not what's supposed to happen so you must be another curse!" I exclaimed with wide eyes. 

"Another curse? So you have a curse as well?" Yuki asked in a slightly confused voice.

"Yup yup!" Millia exclaimed "wow this is so cool! I thought we were the only ones!" Her eyes were glimmering with excitement and amazement.

We began to talk about our curses and realized they had a lot in common. "Well the down side is when we change back we're-" Yuki began to explain, but was cut off by Kyo transforming back. "Naked" he finished.

Millia, Torhu, and I squeaked and covered our eyes. Me with my paws and them with their hands. We waited for the okay and then uncovered our eye. I could feel my ears burning as they were pressed against my head.

"It's the same for us only normally we normally know when we are going to change back. We can just feel it I guess." Millia explained.

"Speaking of which I should probably get inside Millia can I get some help?" I asked. My sister nodded and opened the door letting me in. I transformed back soon after and I changed into some comfortable clothes.

We began talking again and ended up talking until it got late. "Oh hey you guys must be hungry." Millia said seeing the sky. They nodded and or shrugged. "Well you guys can come in dinner if you want to." She said in reply to the actions.

"I can cook!" Torhu said with a grin.

"And I'll help." I reply and giggle slightly.

"Well I guess we are staying for dinner then" Yuki said with a gentle smile. Kyo just seemed quiet. It didn't seem odd to me considering that I didn't even know him that well yet. Although I kinda wish he would speak he is kind cute- er what are you thinking (Y/N) you just met him you can't be thinking that already. I mentally sighed but went inside with the rest. Torhu and I made a simple yet great dinner and we talked for a bit longer before they left.

"Well they are interesting don't you think?" Millia asked she had a slight smirk on her face. This expression confused me, but I didn't pay much mind to it instead I watched the clock for a bit.

"Yeah I guess." I replied, but almost chocked on what she said next.

"You know I saw you staring at Kyo." She replied.

"W-What? I was not!" I exclaimed blushing slightly and she giggled.

"Don't get so worked up I was only teasing." She replied still giggling.

I rolled my eyes then cleaned up the house slightly. After I was finished with that I walked upstairs and got ready for bed. I saw Millia do the same and we went to bed the last thing I remember thinking was 'what happened..?'

(Hey guys sorry it took so long for this to come out! I hope you enjoyed and see you next time!)

Another Curse? (Kyo Sohma x reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now