More than chance?

996 21 17

(N/N)= Nickname.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Finally!" Millia exclaimed as she stretched for like the 10th time in 5 minutes of her being awake. "The weekend!" She shouted only to be shushed by me. "Awe (N/N) it's not like anyone can hear us, so why can't I shout?" She asked pouting. It was clear she was still tired.

"Because I can hear you and I'd rather not go deaf thank you." I reply with a sigh. I had a major headache and I hadn't gotten much sleep due to the frequent nightmares haunting my mind. The vivid memories that flood into my mind when I think of it are enough to make me feel sick to my stomach. Let's just say I was a wreck and that's putting it lightly. My grades were suffering and I hadn't been eating right. It's clear my sister and friends were worried even though I told them not to be. 

Yuki had offered to tutor me on the weekends to help me get my grades back up. At first I disagreed, but Tohru ended up talking me into it saying that it would be all of us. I'm not sure why I ever decided that this would be a good idea, but it's all I have to do this weekend and getting my grades up wouldn't hurt. If only I could focus on that instead of those memories.

I grip my necklace around my neck hoping to get rid of the anxiety I feel about this whole ordeal. I stand up and walk toward the bathroom, which thankfully has working water, and take a shower. I had set clothes out earlier since I knew I'd forget other wise. I sigh as the warm water hit my skin. It was a quick shower, but it worked to clean off everything that I needed to get off. For a bit it even helped me to forget about my worries. Long enough for me to eat a quick bowl of cereal and not much more. Millia tried to get me to eat more, but it soon became clear to her that wasn't going to happen.

A sigh escaped my lips as I was walking to my classmate's house with Millia. Apparently there were some people in her class who are related to the Sohma family. They were going to be there so that Millia had someone to keep her company and not disrupt the studying.

The walk was short, quiet, and awkward. Nobody wanted to bring up the obvious, but nobody knew how to change to something else and when we got there we were glad to have the tension break of the two cousins fighting.

I was about to knock on the door as someone was flung out of it and thrown into me. I was too slow to move, so I closed my eyes and heard two pops. When I landed I felt something light land on my lioness underbelly. I quickly got up, throwing the thing off of me and scrambling to get to my feet. Only when I was up did I realize what or who had landed on me.

An orange cat was lying on the ground facing away from me. It didn't take much to realize that he wasn't exactly happy. It took about 5 seconds in order for him to start yelling at Yuki, who was now standing in the broken doorway with Tohru behind him. I sigh shaking my head as Millia was laughing her ass of. 

"Look what you did, you damn rat!" Kyo shouted in a growling voice. For a cat her sure sounded like a dog.

"I wouldn't have kicked you out if you hadn't had such an out-burst," Yuki retorted a disappointed look on his face. "Maybe you should learn to dodge better, stupid cat." He finished.

"Well if you hadn-" Kyo started.

"Guys!" Millia exclaimed, "I think we should worry more about studying than who started what." She said an annoyed look poking through her normally happy exterior.

"Wow. You guys annoyed Milly. A task few are able to do." I say sarcastically while sitting down and looking at the scene in front of me. There was wood and paper everywhere. Millia was standing next to the porch. Yuki was now standing at the top of the steps and Tohru was standing in front of the door. Shigure had come to see what was going on and the two that were in Millia's grade were just walking over to the house. Well one was bouncing around like a rabbit. An older guy was with them as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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