how it used to be.

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(Y/N)'s pov.

I wake up in the middle of the night. Cold sweat coating me as I pant violently. I was Shaky and my throat felt like a desert. It's been a couple weeks since Maurd had shone up at our school and things weren't getting any better. Ever since that day I've been having the same nightmare over and over. No body knows and I don't exactly plan to tell anyone either. 

Anyway, this nightmare has been getting to me. I've been more jumpy than usual and I've been getting less sleep. My grades have been slipping as well. It's as if I can't function anymore. The worst part of it is that I'm driving everyone away. I know they're worried, but Millia and I know better than to talk about our family problems.

I sigh and shakily stand up. I cough and look around the dusty room. "Man it really is a dump isn't it?" I began picking up the trash around the small, rundown house. It wasn't like anybody was coming over, but no use in living in a dump. It's funny how you can never seem to outrun the things you hate. Growing up in that horrible house all I ever did was clean. Weather it be washing the dishes or scrubbing the floors I don't remember a single time I wasn't cleaning. Although now that I think of it there was only one time...


I smiled looking around the small (F/C) room. "Is it really my own room mama?" I asked looking at the woman standing beside me. She smiled and nodded. She never talked much, but I knew she could I've heard it before. Her smile was soft and loving and her eyes held such care and kindness, but even as a five year old I could see a hint of sadness that hid behind everything else. I knew my mom was sick, but I never knew how bad it was.

"Mama!" Millia exclaimed as she ran into the room. Her ocean blue hair was tied back in a purple ribbon. A bright orange sundress worn in a crooked style. She had tried to dress herself, but she put it on wrong.

Our mother giggled quietly as she helped Millia straighten her sundress. Her ice blue eyes wondering around the room before snapping back to us. She began to cough harshly and fell to her knees. Her face began to flush and her body began to shake. She started to pant rapidly as she curled into a ball. 

Millia and I were so shocked by the sudden change that we began to panic. "Milly stay here I'll go and get Mei-Mei!" I exclaimed as I ran off. I was so scared that I couldn't think of anything else. Mei-Mei otherwise know as Mei Ochira was a family friend and the family's doctor. She stayed within the estate in order to keep everyone healthy.

I ran through the doors not even stopping to knock. "Mei-Mei! Please help it's mama she fell over and looks like she's in pain!" I exclaimed to the little old woman that was sitting in the only chair to be found in the small room. She stood up quickly and nodded. We were out of there as soon as possible.

~End of flashback~

Our mother had fallen horribly ill. I knew something was wrong I never thought it would have been that. After the day she got sick my sister and I were forced to clean. I hated it, but I knew Millia couldn't handle it, so I told Maurd that I would take on her chores. We never found out why we were forced to clean.

I had finished with the trash, so I picked up a broom and started sweeping. I sneeze as dust flies into the air. A feeling I was used to due to having dusted so much. I still remember the day our mother left us.


It had almost been a year since our mother had gotten ill. Millia spent most of her free time at the small medical center we had near the estate. It was reserved only for (L/N) estate residents. She knew just as well as I did that our mother wasn't in the best condition. Of course we were still young, so we just thought that she was sick and that she would get better. Millia often cried when she came back from the medical center. I tried my best not to break down with her. I knew I had to be strong because Mother, when she would speak, always said, "don't cry it will all be better if you stay strong." 

I had just finished cleaning for the day. Most people were out, so it didn't take me as long as usual. I decided to go visit Mother to see if she was getting better, but she seemed to be doing the opposite.

I opened the door to her room slowly and gently. What I saw frightened me. Mother was pale and sweating. She had a breathing mask on and her eyes were closed shut like she was in pain. Millia was next to her. Her eyes puffy with tears and hands shaking. I walk up to them trying to look strong.

"Hi, Mama." I said as I sat on a chair that was next to her. Her eyes open slightly and she looks at me with a soft smile. It looks pained, but sincere and kind.

"My little cub. I-I'm so glad to be a-able to see you before I g-go." She said weakly as she began to cough.

"g-go where?" I asked my voice beginning to waver.

"I-I'm sorry I can't stay any longer m-my cub and m-minnow." She said quietly. "I love you guys so m-much." Her eyes began to tear up, but she continued to smile at us. 

"We love you t-too Mama. Y-You don't have t-to go." Millia said tears streaming down her face.

"I-I wish I d-didn't. Be good m-my little g-girls..." her voice seeming to grow more quiet until she was almost inaudible. Her eyes slowly closed her smile still there. " ... for me." And with that her smile faded and a look of peace replaced it.

~End of flashback~

A tear slides down my cheek as I remembered that day. Despite that a small smile grazes my face and I finish cleaning up and get ready for the rest of the day.

//1102 words not including this. Wow. I'm proud. I'm super sorry that I haven't updated much, but I have now. And thank you all for reading!

Another Curse? (Kyo Sohma x reader) (Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें