chapter three - she's just winter

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chapter three - she's just winter

"Used to steal your parents liquor and climb to the roof. Talk about the future like we had a clue" - Katy Perry

Joanna had never liked me. From the moment her eyes set on me in Mrs. Presmen's kindergarten class, she hated me. Stealing my crayons during art lead to her stealing my sports bra in gym and ultimately it lead to her stealing Parker from me.

But the more I think about it... Parker was my friend and he dated a girl who hated me. I remember when he first told me they were dating, freshman year, I had told myself that he couldn't control who he had feelings for but... She really hated me and he knew it.

Grace, Landon and I stood awkwardly in the middle of the cafeteria. My eyes scanned all the tables and cliques. Where did we fit in, now that Parker was no longer our friend?

My eyes wondered over to the table we had sat at for the last three years. Parker was the first thing my eyes landed on. He sat on the table with his feet on the bench laughing at something Will was saying. His eyes showed no sadness... Did he not miss me? My eyes continued scanning until they landed on Joanna who smirked at me and waved tauntingly.

"I really don't like her" I mumbled.

"Me too. Landon you can go sit with your football buddies if you really want" Grace rolled her eyes at her younger brother who stood impatiently near us.

"Are you sure, Winter? I don't wanna talk to Parker, I just want to see if Jason is coming over-"

"Go" I laughed at the blonde haired boy that I've known since birth.

"Thanks" He rushed over to our old table and started greeting the guys.

Grace's hazel eyes met my blue ones and she sighed.

"Where shall we sit?" She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder.

Before I could answer, someone screamed my name, making all surrounding eyes snap towards me.

Grace and I made our way towards the short rainbow haired girl who seemed to be getting yelled at by Larry, the cafeteria monitor, for standing on the stable.

"Whatever, Larry" Regina rolled her eyes as the chubby man waddled away. "Winter! Grace! Come sit! Gene! This is Carson's new friend!"

My eyes wondered over to who she was talking to. I recognised him from around school. He was larger than anyone else at the table and he had long, curly, brown hair. I think he's been left back a few times as well.

"Carson's been hiding a girl from us?" Gene raised his bushy eyebrows and laughed.

"She's just... Winter" Carson rolled his glazed eyes.

"You know my name" I gasped sarcastically and he narrowed his eyes at me before returning his attention to his food.

"I like her" Regina smiled widely. "And this is her friend! Grace!"

I watched as Seth, moved over and grinned at Grace as she sat down. I rolled my eyes at the blush on her cheeks. Of course she would go for Seth Porto.

"Carson, move over for Winter" Regina scolded her friend while he just rolled his eyes ignoring her.

"It's okay" I smiled at her and just walked over to where Carson was sitting.

He was seated next to the wall and his legs were spread extra wide; probably so I couldn't sit next to him and I smirked.

"What are you doing?" Carson grunted as I propped myself up on the table and crossed my legs. I made sure I wasn't intruding on anyone (but Carson's) personal space and smiled triumphantly while grabbing one of Carson's fries.

"Sitting" I shrugged innocently and he grumbled something incoherent under his breath.

"You're awesome" Max smiled at me from her seat next to Carson.

"Thank you" I grinned happily.

I stayed silent for a little bit, just listening to everyone's conversations. I didn't want to intrude since I barely knew any of them. I mean, technically I barely knew Carson but from that night, I knew he wasn't as scary as everyone made him out to seem. I wonder what Carson Ryder is really like. Behind the glazed emerald eyes, cocky smirks and grunts. Was he deep and poetic? Or was he talkative and humorous? Maybe the mystery was all he was. Maybe there was no substance.

I tuned back into the conversation Regina was having with Gene about some video game and tried to ignore Grace's subtle flirting that probably only I could pick up on. That girl was the worst at flirting but by the way Seth was leaning slightly closer to Grace, I could tell he was into her.

I felt a large hand wrap around the lower part of my inner thigh, right near my knee and my eyes narrowed down at Carson. He raised his eyebrows and beckoned me to lean closer to him, like he wanted to tell me something.

"I like the pineapples" His voice came out rough and gravelly, probably because he hadn't spoken out loud in 15 minutes.

I frowned at him, confused by what he meant until realisation struck me and warmth flooded my cheeks.

I was wearing my panties with pineapples on them.

"You pig!" I squealed, breaking the conversation at the table as they turned their attention towards us.

I tried to throw myself off the table and away from Carson but the space was so small that I got caught on his arm and all but landed in his lap before pushing him away and falling on my ass.

"You're such a douchebag" I grumbled over his bellowing laugh and wiped my skirt off.

"Uhm what?" Seth's confused voice spoke up and I tried to hold back my laugh but I couldn't.

Before I knew it, the entire table was hysterical laughing about the scene that just unfolded. It felt good to laugh like this again... It almost distracted me from the football player glaring daggers at me from across the cafeteria.

That sure as hell isn't good...

a u t h o r s n o t e

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of The Guys Next Door! Team Carson or Team Parker? Let me know in the comments!

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